At 08:38 AM 09/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>How effective can military keynesian be now?

Not any rate, the market doesn't seem to think it would be very 
effective; have you noticed how it swoons everyt ime we come one step 
closer to war?

>  The US economy is very open,
>so much of the demand leaks out.  Unlike the world of WW II, the US is not
>using goods that are produced using technology comparable to durable
>consumer goods.  Instead, it depends more on very high tech, with
>relatively little labor demand; suggesting that it will shift wealth more
>toward the rich, lowering the boost to aggregate demand.
>  --



>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>Tel. 530-898-5321

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