>From the combined lists of globalizethis.org

+++ please forward this important info! +++++

Stop the corporate greed epidemic!

Info for affinity groups joining the Sept 28th Mass Action

Greetings friends, colleagues, and fellow direct action organizers,

We are planning large-scale, highly visible, festive actions to protest
the IMF/World Bank meetings on Saturday and Sunday, September 29-30. 
We will take direct action to challenge the walls that shut out people
here and around the world from participating in the decisions that
impact our lives and communities. We will act to make our demands, and to
engage more of civil society in the growing global discourse about
corporate power versus justice, democracy and a sustainable future.  Now is
the time for people who believe in non-violent direct action to step
forward and show the world that the global justice movement is more
creative, powerful and alive then ever!

In this post.
1. Schedule of events Sept 28th and 29th
2. Direct Action Scenario
3. Message
4. Visions for Action/Guidelines
5. Sunday Sept 29th - People's Assemblies
6. Convergence (Gathering and Trainings)
7. Affinity Groups
8. Legal/Jail Solidarity
9. Contact Us!  Affinity Group check-in list

Check in line 202-299-1054, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

(please note - Mobilization for Global Justice and the Anti-Capitalist
Convergence are separate groups focusing on different actions on
different days.  However we are working to coordinate to insure that
activists can plug into both actions and maintain our solidarity.  The welcome
centers are quite close together and full materials about trainings,
meetings and ongoing actions should be available in both centers.)

Mobilization For Global Justice :
Saint Stephen's Church  1525 Newton St. NW.  On the corner of 16th and
Newton.  In the basement. Directions from Colombia Heights metro on the
green line:  Walk two blocks east on Irving to 16th St.  Take a right
on 16th and walk aprox. 5-6 blocks until you get to Newton.  Church is
on the right. Open Wed. 9/25 - Fri. 9/27 9am - 9:30 pm.  Sat. 9/28 9am -

For more info check out www.globalizethis.org 

Anti-Capitalist Convergence:
Welcome Center at Case Del Pueblo in Calvary Methodist Church 1459
Colombia Rd NW METRO = Green line Colombia Heights Open Wed 25th - Saturday
28th 9 am - 10 pm 202-306-3636

For more info check out www.abolishthebank.org 

11 am - Feeder rally/march(s) - currently only an AIDS march is
12 Noon - gather on ellipse rally/concert includes ECO-bloc/Earth march
delegation and potentially other self-organizing contingents (see
www.globalizethis.org for details)
2 pm - permitted march begins
4 pm - march returns to ellipse and rally/concert continues into the
4.30 - quarantine enforcement actions at the police perimeter.

11- 2pm - People's assemblies, Farragut Square (K and 17th NW)
2 pm - Globalize Peace March

Don't forget - the World Bank/IMF will continue to meet all day Sunday. 
We encourage ongoing actions however MGJ is focusing our support
on Saturday.



At this point the WB has leaked that they will be putting up their
usual significant perimeter of barricades.  Our actions will be
geographically focused around the perimeter.  The perimeter will have 
to be opened
up at certain intersections to let delegates and other personnel
in/out.  We may or may not know where these in/out zones will be until they
are opened.  If we do have prior knowledge of their locations, that
information will be relayed to affinity groups at the action spokes

The MGJ will be coordinating a communications team to direct people to
the in/out zones as these zones may change.  In/out zones will probably
be the most arrest likely areas.  People who don't want to be arrested
can then be directed away.  

All affinity groups will be considered Truth Inoculation Squads who
will present the truth to the delegates. (i.e. The truth about debt, the
truth about structural adjustment, the truth about social and
environmental devastation).  Maybe we will do this with our very 
bodies, or with
giant banners or puppets, or with something that you have thought of
and we have not.  Be creative.

The MGJ has consensed upon two broad areas of action that we are
proposing to the action spokes councils:
1) In keeping with the quarantine theme, folks can dress up in medical
clothing and wrap (with hazard tape etc.) and decorate the barriers. 
We encourage people to engage in inoculation theatre around the
perimeter. Bring Hazardous Materials Suits, face masks etc.
2) Occupy space with creative blockading actions.  Some ideas . . . a
soccer game, a hoola hoopin' troop, a dance party, a human chain, a
marching band.  Also bring brooms for a "clean up corporate sleaze" action!
We are encouraging affinity groups to really incorporate the
inoculation/quarantine theme into their actions.  What does a truth inoculation
squad look like?  You decide!

This is going to be intense and a whole lot of fun too!

Affinity groups who want to be more stationary are more than welcome to
do that and come up with their own ideas.  We will coordinate who goes
where at the action spokes councils.  If you want to participate, but
don't have an affinity group, don't despair.  We can help you find one
when you get here.
Overarching principles of the scenario are :
1) separation between permitted and non-permitted events by time and
space to insure safe space for internationals, high risk folks or others
who want to be assured of avoiding police repression in any form.
2) Cultivation of a sense of unity between all aspects of the action
whether permitted or non-permitted.

IMPORTANT! - bring food and water to the action!  We don't want hunger
or thirst to decide when we end our action!



The quarantine messaging has multiple purposes.  In terms of messaging
it is intended to show that we are fighting a system - the ideological
poisons and false assumptions that justify corporate globalization and
the doomsday economy.  Strategically it is intended to get us out of
the tactical quagmire of saying we'll shut down the meeting or physically
blockade all the bankers in.  We're creating a standard of victory for
ourselves that allows us to determine our end-points and to elevate the
framing of these issue from controlling street corners to controlling
the debate.
We encourage people to use the quarantine/inoculation theme creatively.
Create an INNOCULATION TEAM themed around values which international
bankers lack such as Democracy, Human Rights, Economic Justice,
Environmental Sanity/Protection, Worker's Rights, Dignity, hope for the future
etc.  Dig up some white lab coats or biohazard suits.  Make warning
signs or biohazard-esque tape that say QUARANTINE! GLOBAL HAZARD! 
CORPORATE GREED EPIDEMIC.  Create props and actions to confront corporate
ruleosis or "the corporate greed bug".  Imagination is one of our most
powerful weapons.

A helpful tip: Put your message on your body, a cheap way is to just
collect old t-shirts and use markers.  This way we can be sure there will
be no doubt what we are standing for (police often take away signs,



The Mobilization for Global Justice has agreed to a few basic visions
for action in order to facilitate the coming together of a broader, more
diverse movement.  This understanding should allow people from many
backgrounds, movements, and beliefs to work together and encourages the
movement-building trust.  These are not philosophical or political
requirements or judgments; there are many ways to resist corporate

1. The Mobilization for Global Justice is a nonviolent organization.

2. We will carry out this action in a manner that reflects the world we
want to create, and act in the service of what we love.

3. We envision a nonviolent world; we will use means consistent with
this vision.

4.  We will act with respect for the local community and in a way that
encourages all to join us.

5.  We will protect and care for each other in this action.  We will
stand in solidarity against police and state repression, even with those
whose choices differ from ours, and work to ensure our tactics do not
result in the endangerment of our sister and brother activists or people
not participating in the demonstrations.

6. We recognize that people of color, poor people, LGBTs, people of
limited mobility and immigrant groups are at greater risk of police
harassment, arrest and abuse.  We respect that people may wish or need to
have safer spaces to express themselves and we will act accordingly.


#5. SUNDAY - A New Type of Direct Action!  PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLIES!

11 - 2 pm Farragut Square (!7TH and K St NW)

The Mobilization for Global Justice has endorsed a second action on
Sunday - People's Assemblies or Asamblea popular.  We want to apply the
inspiring Argentine model of directly democratic "people's assemblies"
that is part of their ongoing uprising against neoliberalism, structural
adjustment and corporate globalization.

All too often mass actions occur in a purely tactical arena and there
is no time for the thousands of dedicated activists to jointly
strategize about how to continue building our movements for a better world.  We
know that as direct action activists our work is not only to "resist"
but also to "build" so MGJ is setting aside time for this work.

The People's Assemblies will be a place on Sunday for participants in
the actions to gather in groups small enough to have real discussion
about how to continue our work to build a movement for global/local
justice. We are open to structure proposals but have envisioned several
tracks of small group discussion - regional, specific issue (whether
campaign or a specific conflict in the movement) or general discussion on what
next. We also need lots of volunteer facilitators.

To help out with this exciting experiment, email Patrick at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 202-234-9382 x 215. A planning meeting for
facilitators and participating groups will be held Thursday Sept 26th 
at 9:30 pm after the action spokescouncil at St. Stephens Church at
`16th and Newton.


Three Days of Workshops, Construction of Giant Puppets, Props &
Banners, Trainings, Issue Forums, Arts, Spokes councils and Actions in
preparation for the Massive Non Violent Direct Action at the International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank Headquarters, Sept. 28th.

To date, workshops and trainings in the following areas have been

Nonviolence Preparations, Handling the Media, Puppet Construction Legal
Briefings, Dancing for Activists, Street First Aid, WB/IMF Issue
Forums, Anti-Oppression, Consensus/Facilitation, Communications,
Peacekeeping/Traffic, Magic for Activists, Community Organizing
and MORE!!!

Sept. 25-27 9am to 11pm daily

Childcare will be provided childcare at or near the Convergence Site as
volunteer coverage permits. Yummy vegan and vegetarian food will be
served, as volunteers and donations allows. Sign Language and Translation
will be provided as requested.

WE NEED $$$$$! Suggested donation $20/day, (sliding scale of
$5-50/day). No one turned away for lack of funds.

Start your convergence experience at the WELCOME CENTER!  The place to
check in, get orientated, find trainings, find out about affinity
groups, volunteer to help with kitchen, security, you name it.

LOCATION : St. Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St NW In the basement. 
Directions at top of post. Wheelchair accessible.



We are asking everyone participating in the actions to form or join an
affinity group; a self-reliant action group of 5-20 people, including
people who do not risk arrest and do support work before, during and
after arrest.
Affinity groups are the basic planning and decision-making bodies for
actions.  Form an affinity group with your friends, people from your
community, workplace or organization.  Two or more affinity groups that
have something in common or want to do similar actions should consider
working together as a "cluster" of affinity groups.  Leading up to the
actions, participants will coordinate through an Action Spokes council,
with group-designated spokespeople responsible for carrying their
group's plans, opinions and decisions to the spokes council and reporting
back to their group. The Action spokes councils on the two days leading up
to the action will finalized the scenario and make critical decisions
about our action.

Affinity groups are encouraged to arrive on September 25th, or as soon
thereafter as possible, in order to participate in the spokes council's
planning of the actions.  If this is not possible, affinity groups
should try to send at least one person early in the week.  All direct
action participants should be in town and trained by the evening of
September 27th.

Wed Sept 25th informational spokes - 7 pm - 9:30pm
Thurs Sept 26th action spokes council 6 pm - 9:30pm (followed by
facilitators meeting for people's assemblies)
Fri Sept 27th action spokescouncil 5pm - 9:30 pm

ALL SPOKES COUNCILS happen at St. Steven's Church 16th and Newton
(nearest Metro is green line Colombia Heights stop)



We will encourage and facilitate jail and court solidarity for the
actions.  Through jail solidarity we can take power in a situation designed
to make us powerless.  We do this by making our decisions as a group,
by acting in harmony with each other, and by committing ourselves to
safeguard each other's well being.  Every time there is a choice in the
legal process, activists can refuse to cooperate, making things difficult
for the authorities.  Through solidarity tactics, we use group
non-cooperation to gain some control, expedite the legal process and
consequences, prevent the authorities from singling some people out for harsher
treatment, and help us resist fines and probation.  Solidarity tactics
extend the action to the prison and legal system with the strength and
community of a group.  We encourage action participants to clear their
calendars in advance for several days after the action, should on-going
jail solidarity work be needed. Those who want or need to leave !
will have that option open.  We will have legal support for those
arrested through arraignment: this includes legal and solidarity briefings,
a staffed legal support office, and experienced lawyers who can make
jail visits.  The action spokes councils will make final decisions about
mass non-cooperation etc (ie. not carrying identification etc.)
#9. We want to coordinate directly with you and your affinity group or

Check in line 202-299-1054

How many people are in your affinity group or cluster?
How many people will be risking arrest?
(If you feel comfortable) what sort of action are you doing, or how do
you see yourselves participating?




Dr. Judith Grant
Department of Political Science
VKC 327
LA, CA 90089
ph. 213-740-1685
FAX 213-740-8893

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