Thanks Michael Hoover.
The analysis I first read (re sectional interests the "Yankees" vs the
"Cowboys") did indeed invoke Ogelsby. It was in a work by W.B.Bland in
an issue of Communist League from the 70's; & discussed matters of the
USA politics - from the Kennedy assassination - through to Watergate -
in terms of power blocks within the USA ruling class.
Points arising:
YOU WROTE: 1) former sdser/new leftist turned conspiracy theorist carl
oglesby may have been first  to use cowboy/yankee concept/terminology in
his early 70s book 'the cowboy and
yankee war'...  distinction probably more  relevant at that time re.
some differences between 'frostbelt' and 'sunbelt' capital...
significantly, however, u.s. foreign policy never changed much
regardless of whether 'liberal' yankees or 'conservative' cowboys won
Well - well the direction of US foreign policy need not necessarily
change. All I am suggesting is that within the context of an overall
agreement to screw the workers/peasants fo the USA/the world - there may
be cause to disagree on some matters within the ruling class. I am
trying to understand why there can be a lobby within the US ruling
circles that might at this present juncture contradict the general
agreement ot launch war. Now while I agree with the other Michael P -
that this si pretty muted opposition (Michael Pereleman says it is none)
there si some. Why? Who (which sectional class interest) gains?
 2) You wrote: "ruling class differences - between domestic and
transitional capital, for example -
revolve around how best to stifle class conflict in order to maintain
existing system... 'debates' rarely consider interests of working
people... certainly, restraints upon ruling class exists, a no small
part of which is what they think they can get way with, but also
(somewhat ironically, perhaps) co-optation/
legitimation of representative' government..."
REPLY: No disagreement!
Thanks again. I will check out Thomas Dye.

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