This article is fascinating.  Market enthusiasts proclaim that
markets are magnificant processors of information.  This article
desribes how markets are driven by frenzy more than by


Wildly Optimistic Data Drove
Telecoms to Build Fiber Glut


Of all of the myths that drove the 1990s technology boom --
dot-coms made good investments, the New Economy would never
experience a recession, small telecom companies could beat the
mighty Bells -- the most damaging may have been the fallacy that
Internet traffic was doubling every three months.

The belief that Internet traffic could grow so quickly -- if
true, it would have meant annual growth of more than 1,000% --
led more than a dozen companies to build expensive networks as
they rushed to claim a piece of the next gold rush. The statistic
sprouted up in reports by industry analysts, journalists and even
government agencies, which repeated it as if it were the gospel
truth. "Internet traffic," the Commerce Department said in a 1998
report, "doubles every 100 days."

Except that it didn't. Analysts now believe that Internet traffic
actually grew at closer to 100% a year, a solid growth rate by
most standards but one that was not nearly fast enough to use all
of the millions of miles of fiber-optic lines that were buried
beneath streets and oceans in the late-1990s frenzy. Nationwide,
only 2.7% of the installed fiber is actually being used,
according to Telegeography Inc. Much of the remaining fiber --
called "dark fiber" in industry parlance -- may remain dormant

That capacity glut has sent bandwidth prices plummeting an
average of 65% each of the last two years. It also has led most
of the long-haul data-transmission companies to file for Chapter
11 bankruptcy protection. Even WorldCom Inc., the granddaddy of
all fiber companies, is sinking under the weight of more than
$7.4 billion in accounting irregularities.

"This was the clincher, the myth that justified all of the other
excesses of the dot-com era," says Andrew Odlyzko, a researcher
at the University of Minnesota who was among the first to
question the statistic. "The times were good, so why question it?
No one wanted to acknowledge that the emperor had no clothes."

The issue isn't simply a matter of setting the historical record
straight. The amount of unused capacity is so vast that it will
be virtually impossible for any new fiber company, no matter how
good its technology or business plan, to raise funds in the
foreseeable future. And as the first wave of data carriers begins
to emerge from Chapter 11 this year, these now debt-free
companies may undercut rivals even more, potentially leading to a
new wave of bankruptcies or liquidations.

WorldCom, whose future is already in doubt, may have even more to
answer for. The earliest company to state that Internet traffic
was doubling every 100 days was WorldCom's UUNet subsidiary, and
the statistic became a mantra for top executives like John
Sidgmore, WorldCom's current chief executive. A closer look at
Commerce Department and Federal Communications Commission reports
that repeat the statistic reveals that WorldCom was their only
source. But people familiar with the situation say that UUNet
routinely counted fiber-optic capacity as traffic, rendering the
statistic essentially worthless as a barometer of the Internet's

WorldCom officials now concede that Internet traffic rarely, if
ever, was doubling every 100 days, but they deny the company
intentionally provided misleading data. Instead, they insist that
number referred to total capacity of the company's backbone
network, which was growing extremely fast as UUNet raced to keep
up with a flood of orders from Internet service providers and
others in the mid and late 1990s.

"The actual traffic growth was never close to 1,000% per year,"
says Vint Cerf, an early Internet architect who is a senior vice
president at WorldCom. "But I don't think it was an attempt to
misstate anything -- it was an honest characterization of what
kind of demand we were seeing from these companies."

That point appears to have been lost on the analysts and
investment bankers who reaped untold millions of dollars helping
companies like Global Crossing Ltd. fund their fiber networks. In
April 1998, then-Salomon Smith Barney analyst Jack Grubman wrote
a research report touting Level 3 Communications Inc. shortly
after the company's initial public stock offering. "Like the
attic of a house gets filled, no matter how much bandwidth is
available, it will get used," he wrote.

Level 3's stock has lost more than 95% of its value, but the
company appears to be one of the survivors: a recent $500 million
infusion from a group led by superstar investor Warren Buffett
has given it the money to begin buying up weaker rivals.

Many rivals aren't as lucky, and the data-transmission market is
littered with the carcasses of companies that have either filed
for Chapter 11 reorganization or decided to liquidate. The
casualty list includes former high-fliers 360networks, E.spire
Communications Inc., XO Communications Inc., Velocita Corp. and
McLeod Inc., in addition to marquee names like Global Crossing
and WorldCom.

"The markets bought lock, stock and barrel that Internet traffic
would double every three months forever," says former FCC
Chairman Reed Hundt. "There was just no way there was enough
traffic to justify all of these huge networks."

The first formal mention of the statistic was an Inktomi Corp.
white paper in 1997, which quoted Michael O'Dell, then UUNet's
chief scientist, as saying that "the capacity crunch is real and
will continue for quite some time," and estimating that network
traffic was doubling every 100 days. "Demand will far outstrip
supply for the foreseeable future."

The statistic spread like wildfire, giving reporters, analysts,
executives and policy makers a handy shorthand for describing the
Internet's seemingly limitless potential. UUNet officials were
using the figure as late as September 2000, when the company's
chief operating officer, Kevin Boyne, told the Washington Post:
"Over the past five years, Internet usage has doubled every three
months. We're seeing an industry that's exploding at exponential
rates." Messrs. O'Dell and Boyne have since left UUNet and
couldn't be reached for comment.

The problem was that growth rate had long been a thing of the
past. Looking back at network data records from the 1990s,
experts like Mr. Odlyzko believe that Internet usage actually did
grow at 1,000% per year in 1995 and 1996. The torrid pace those
two years was driven by the Internet's transformation from a tool
of scientists and academics to a mass-market consumer service
thanks to Web browsers like Netscape and the introduction of
flat-rate pricing for Internet access.

But growth subsequently slowed dramatically, and now, Internet
traffic is likely to grow even more slowly as broadband, or
high-speed, service hasn't prompted the big spike in consumer
usage experts had predicted. As a result, Mr. Cerf now estimates
traffic growth as low as 40% in 2003.

As bruised investors survey the wreckage of the telecom market,
many are searching for someone to blame. But several longtime
industry observers believe that such scape-goating may be

"Its like there are a lot of Olympic sprinters who died and
people are trying to blame the guy who fired the starting
pistol," says Kevin Werbach, a former FCC official who now edits
the technology newsletter Release 1.0. "Nobody forced these
companies to build so many redundant networks."


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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