--- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joanna:
> It's interesting that Bush has not treated this
> situation so far as
> Reagan 
> did the air traffic controllers. Any
> speculation as to why he's holding
> off?
> 1)  the current situation is a lock-out, not a
> strike.

Yes, but the union had already ordered a work
slow down, so the PMA will say the lockout was
preemptive and designed to pressure the union for
a settlement. 

> 2) though the law was doubtful, the air traffic
> controllers' strike
> appeared to be illegal at the time. This
> allowed Reagan to screw labor
> within the popularly perceived law. 

That he would fire them all certainly showed his
resolve in dealing with them. It certainly put a
damper on any other such groups employed by the
> 3) Bush's handlers think that they can blame
> the second dip of the Dubya
> recession on the long-shore union. 

Most Americans wouldn't even know what they are. 

> and/or 
> 4) they've made some sort of backroom deal that
> we don't know about. 

The union leadership and the PMA are actually
close on most things. But no doubt letting the
surveillance jobs go outside the union is seen by
the union as the thin edge of the wedge. 

If these unions really are about challenging the
system, why don't the east coast and Gulf
longshoremen go out on strike in support of their
western counterparts? That would certainly slow
down the coming military strike against Iraq. Oh,
I answered my own question.


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