Conference on Global Regulation. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

The Centre for Global Political Economy at the University of Sussex, with
the support of the Staff Development Office and together with CEPREMAP,
Paris, ESRC, CSGR at Warwick, Le Monde Economie and the Review of
International Political Economy are organising a major international
conference to be held at the University of Sussex on May 29-31, 2003.

Regulation has recently come back to the centre of public and specialist
attention, as testified by major publications, academic and political
events, and not least by the prominence of mass protests. Contrary to the
prediction of further liberalisation and deregulation, the trend in the past
few years has been towards the construction of a thick maze of international
regulatory structures and apparatuses. But what is the meaning of global
regulation? Is it the harbinger of a proto-global state modeled on Western
liberal states? Is it evidence for the entrenchment of a particular
transnational class power? The expansion of a managerial discourse and
technocratic capitalism on a global scale? Or perhaps none of the above?
This conference bring together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines
concerned with issues dealing with grounded and theoretical issues
pertaining to the regulatory responses to contemporary capitalist
globalisation. We are inviting papers on the following aspects:

Codes of Conduct and Corporate Responsibility

Regulation of the Body and Pornography

Communication, Emancipation and the Internet

NGOs, Expertise and Technology

Labour Market Regulation & Migration

Resources and Property Rights

Accountancy and Transparency

Private Military Security

Conference Committee: Kees Van Der Pijl, Mick Dunford, Jean-Christophe Graz,
Ronen Palan, Libby Assassi, Duncan Wigan and Calos Ortiz

Please send abstracts by 20 November  2002 to: Libby Assassi,
RIPE office,  Arts E 408,
School of Social Sciences
University of Sussex, Brighton,
Falmer BN1 9QN
Phone: + 44 (0) 1273 678064
Fax:      + 44 (0) 1273 673563

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