Barrons, October 28th, 2002

Deja Vu All Over Again

The similarities between 2000-02 and 1990-92 are eerie. A president named George Bush was in the White House then and now. Saddam Hussein was Bush enemy No. 1 then, and is again. Both the current and previous decades started with very short and moderate economic downturns. Both were followed by lackluster economic recoveries, with weak employment growth. Indeed, the pattern of initial jobless claims now and then looks remarkably similar. In the early 1990s, the banking industry was a mess. Today, the Tech Wreck is the major structural problem in the economy.

In both periods, the Federal Reserve lowered the federal-funds rate dramatically and kept it low for some time. The central bank's key overnight rate plunged from 9.8% during the middle of 1989 to 3% by August 1992, and it remained at this level through the beginning of 1994, when the Fed started to tighten again. At the end of 2000, the fed-funds rate was 6.50%. It dropped to 1.75% by December 2001, and it is likely to remain at this level through most of next year. A combination of easy money and time revived the economy by 1994. Easy money and time should do so again over the next couple of years.

Both now and then, Americans were concerned about going to war with Iraq. Tactical weapons of mass destruction were viewed as a potential threat to American soldiers. U.S. troops face the same dangerous scenario today if they attack Iraq. Of course, after 9/11, Americans are more fearful of our vulnerability to terrorists at home.

The relatively quick victory in the Persian Gulf War helped to revive consumer confidence, but consumer spending remained lackluster during the first half of the 1990s. This time, consumer spending has been more robust because solid gains in productivity have boosted real pay per worker.

Also, record low mortgage rates are supplementing consumers' purchasing power by reducing monthly payments and increasing "cash-outs" of residential equity. Fannie Mae reports that an estimated $1.4 trillion of mortgages will be refinanced this year, up from $1.1 trillion last year. Furthermore, both this year and last, homeowners took out an estimated $100 billion of equity.

The early 1990s marked the end of the Cold War. If the U.S. can deliver a quick and decisive resolution of the Iraq problem, then the so-called clash of civilizations might be aborted quickly. President George W. Bush seems to believe that the most dangerous terrorists are sponsored and supported by states such as Iraq and Iran. If so, then a decisive win in Iraq -- through diplomacy or military means -- could have enormously positive geopolitical consequences for Americans, who might rightly feel less alarmed about the potential for future attacks like 9/11 and more confident about the future.

My hunch is that the administration has concluded that a successful outcome in Iraq also might be a good way to revive the global economy. Oil prices are likely to fall significantly, possibly to less than $20 a barrel, if Iraq is free to export more oil. This could provide a substantial cut in the "oil tax" and stimulate global economic growth.

The most significant difference between now and the early 1990s is that deflation is a more significant risk. After the end of the Cold War, I developed a simple War & Peace Model for inflation. A glance at the Consumer Price Index in the U.S. since 1800 strongly suggests that wars are inflationary and peace times are deflationary. This makes sense to me. Power is concentrated in the government during wars. Markets tend to be monopolized, protected, subsidized, corrupted, and inflation-prone. Power shifts to business and consumers during peacetime as governments negotiate free-trade agreements to gain access to foreign markets. Markets around the world become more competitive and prone to deflation.

Since the end of the Cold War, deflationary forces have been offset by easy monetary policy. However, these forces weren't defeated and were actually reinforced when China joined the World Trade Organization at the end of last year. The Bank of Japan ran out of basis points to fight deflation when the official bank rate was dropped to near zero in the late 1990s. The Fed has only 175 basis points left.

Japan's gross domestic product implicit price deflator has been falling modestly for the past several years. During the second quarter of this year, it was 6.1% below its second-quarter 1997 peak. The U.S. inflation rate -- based on the yearly percentage change in the GDP implicit price deflator -- is down from 4.2% at the start of the 1990s to only 1.1% currently. The implicit price deflator for nonfinancial corporations has been deflating, showing a drop of 0.6% during the past four quarters -- the first such negative comparison since the data were first collected in 1958.

The weakness in pricing is depressing the growth in nominal GDP in both Japan and the U.S. Nominal GDP growth has been mostly negative in Japan since 1998. In the U.S., it remains positive but relatively weak, with a gain of only 3.3% over the past four quarters through the middle of this year. This means that top-line growth for many businesses is very challenging.

Deflation is a very unstable and potentially dangerous economic environment. Macroeconomists, particularly monetarists, believe it can be overcome by pumping up the money supply. I am not so sure. I believe that it is a consequence of increasingly competitive markets resulting from peace, free international trade, industrial deregulation, technology, and productivity. The end of the Cold War was Big Bang I for deflation. Big Bang II occurred when China joined the WTO last year.

China has a population of 1.2 billion people. Even with effective population control measures, China's population rose by 100 million during the past 10 years. By some estimates, 20 million people per year leave the rural villages of China looking for construction and manufacturing jobs in the urban areas. In the U.S., the number of manufacturing jobs is only 17 million in total! Before the end of the decade, the Three Gorges Dam project will open up the Yangtze, China's longest river, to large container ships. That will open up a vast interior area of China, including 350 million people, to global trade. The consequences are likely to be mostly deflationary.

Above, I suggested that deflation is inherently a microeconomic problem rooted in the competitive structure of markets and therefore not easily eliminated by stimulative monetary and fiscal policies. It also is a political problem. As the economist Joseph Schumpeter famously observed, capitalism is a process of creative destruction. But what if uncompetitive companies remain in business even when market forces make them unprofitable? They can do so by gaining political support, either through corrupt means or by claiming that too many jobs will be lost if they aren't protected by the government.

The result is zombies, the living-dead companies that should be buried but continue to produce, thus causing deflation in their industry. Japan is full of such zombies. The U.S. steel industry has zombies, and now so does telecommunications. WorldCom became a zombie a couple of years ago, although we only found out about it at the end of June, when the company disclosed that its earnings had been fraudulently overstated for the past few years. Now the Baby Bells fear a debt-free WorldCom could emerge from bankruptcy as an even more voracious zombie to start a new round of telecom price wars.

If deflation is a structural global problem that defies macroeconomic solutions, then there are two possible scenarios for the economic outlook -- sweet and sour. In the sweet version, companies offset the competitive pressure on their prices with productivity gains. The gains benefit mostly consumers as wages rise faster than prices. As long as consumers spend their real income, productivity continues to grow and the overall economy continues to prosper. Individual companies can prosper and be very profitable in this scenario, but they also can go out of business if they fail to stay ahead of their competitors.

In the sour version, competition is so intense that profits are depressed, forcing companies to slash their payrolls in desperate attempts to cut costs and boost productivity. Consumer confidence falls as the jobless rate rises. Consumer spending is depressed by the worsening employment situation and perceptions that there is no rush to buy when prices are falling.

Of the two scenarios, I believe the first one applies today. I think it will continue to prevail over the next few years. Could inflation be the surprise? The War & Peace Model suggests that might be the outcome only if the conflict with Iraq and Islamic terrorists leads to a global clash of civilizations. In this unhappy scenario, inflation would be the least of our worries.


Edward Yardeni is chief investment strategist for Prudential Securities.


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