Tel: +234-803-3400719

Dear brethren,

I am writing you this letter in view of the fact that we could be of assistance to 
each other, bringing the riches of the gentiles for good purpose in accordance to the 
will of the Lord, Most High. Amen.

Firstly, considering the urgency required to ensure success of the transaction I am 
about to explain to you, I found your email through email list, and considered it a 
privilege to solicit for your assistance in realizing the business, as I do not have 
any other contact to realize it.

It is important to note that I am not embarking in this project out of greed, but out 
of burning desire to do Gods work, through providing charity in accordance with 
biblical principles to the helpless orphan, and the rejected and dejected disabled 
people, and also not scam as I have arranged to mortgage church property to send to 
offset legal and administrative fees to ensure success of the transaction. For your 
security, and the success of this transaction, all the banking will be done securely 
offshore to prevent undue question by your bank or your country's government due to 
the amount involved. If I request for any money from you please report me to FBI or to 
the authority of your country

I am by name brother Uwom Oluigbo, church assistant and housekeeper to late Rev. Dr. 
Simon Wood, a foreign missionary nationalized in Nigeria, and president of Love of 
Christ Assembly, and Outreach for the Poor and the Disabled, being a volunteer, 
Christian charity organization primarily involved in providing support for the less 
privileged, handicapped and orphaned children and widows alike. 

Late Rev. Dr. Simon Wood received donation from international charity organizations, 
churches, government corporations, businesses and individuals from all parts of the 
world to help in providing food, medication, and in provision of skill development and 
small scale ventures to enable handicapped people to engage in meaningful activities. 
A total of Eleven million United states dollars (11,000,000 USD) was realized which he 
(late Rev. Simon) had projected to invest in sustainable agriculture, and multi-fruit 
processing plant, and self help projects to give life meaning to the handicapped and 
orphaned people.

Late Rev. Dr. Simon Wood was murdered in the recent bomb explosion, which took place 
at Ikeja military cantonment (Lagos, Nigeria) ammunition depot affecting the entire 
Ikeja area, burying houses, and killing thousands of innocent people in different 
places in Lagos State, Nigeria. Love of God Assembly building collapsed killing many 
of the disabled people including Rev. Dr. Simon Wood.

Late Rev Dr. Simon Wood was very committed to helping the poor and lived a life of 
total service for the upkeep of the handicapped and the less privileged. He did not 
marry, and did not have children. I am the housekeeper and his assistant. He did not 
make any will and also did not leave information about his relatives.  The entire 
balance of 11 million United States dollars exists in his personal account, which 
nobody knows about except me, and the news of his death has spread, as he was known to 
be a friend and hope of the poor and handicapped.

The bankers are honestly waiting for anybody that has correct information who is the 
next of Kin. You do not need to be a relative to be the next of kin to late Rev. Dr. 
Simon Wood. 

I have worked out perfect arrangement that is safe and quick to enable us claim the 
funds, because if we do not the corrupt government officials will divert the fund to 
private purses and never for any orphan or handicapped person. Nigerian government is 
very corrupt and indifferent to the poor and helpless people. Please verify these 

I will offer you 20 percent for assistance, 5 percent for settlement of any expenses 
incurred during the transfer period, 50 percent will be used later to found my own 
charity organization to continue for the physically handicapped and 25 percent for my 
private use to meet my family needs as volunteer work for the poor and orphan children 
is a service which is not paid for and I will need the money to help me with 
responsibilities and concentrate in care giving (of which 10 percent of my own share 
will be given as tithe in accordance with biblical teachings).

If you are interested, please contact me immediately so that we can proceed with 
Treat this as very urgent. 

Please reply to the email address:

Brother Uwom Oluigbo

Please visit the websites below to obtain full information about the bomb explosion in 


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