Thanks - very sharp reminders of what is really going on. I was recently
a programme grant reviewer for an RFA from the NIH on "reduction of
racial disparities in maternal & child health inequities".
5 times approximately $1.5 million were to be awarded ............
"US in denial as poverty rises"
Sunday November 3, 2002
The Observer

.......New Haven as the birthplace of President George Bush.......
It is a city with the same infant mortality rate as Malaysia and a
terrifying rate of deaths from Aids - one day care centre alone
the loss of 600 clients at a memorial service on Wednesday. But it is
located in America' richest state, Connecticut, which has,
more millionaires than any other...... The proportion of children
without health cover has increased from 63.8 per cent to 67.1 per cent.
The poverty rate for children in the US is worse than
in 19 'rich' countries, according to a study by the University of

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