November 3, 2002
Japan Fears U.S. Is Preying on Weak Economy

TOKYO, Nov. 2 - Back when Pete Wilson became governor of California a decade
ago, people here used to say that the real estate value of the Imperial
Palace grounds in central Tokyo was higher than the economic production of
all of California.

On Friday, the former governor was in town here, brandishing a new report in
tune with the changed times, "Can Japan Come Back?" .

Without reforms, American investors "are going to lose interest in Japan,
and Japan is going to see investment diverted, most likely to China," Mr.
Wilson warned, speaking to the foreign press club here. As aides distributed
the report, by the Pacific Council on International Policy, an academic
research group, the moats and gardens of the Imperial Palace seemed to
shrink into a chill autumn fog 20 floors below.

The Japanese have long known that the economic tables have turned since the
golden days of the late 1980's, when their banks, investors and shoppers
ruled the West.

But this week brought a series of one-two punches to a country Mr. Wilson
called "a place of micro optimism and macro pessimism."

On Thursday, Japan learned that China was on track to displace Japan this
year as the world's second-largest personal computer market, after the
United States. Making news on Friday was an announcement that Japan's
highest-paid baseball player, Hideki Matsui, had decided to decamp for the
United States to play in the major leagues; and the Finance Ministry
announced that tax receipts during the first half of this fiscal year were
down 17 percent over the same period last year.

All week, Japan wrestled with fears that America Inc. was plotting to buy
Japan Inc. - at a deep discount.

According to the conspiracy talk, Heizo Takenaka, the new economy chief, was
doing the bidding of American "vulture funds" by planning to knock over
shaky banks and force bankruptcies of companies that are insolvent on paper.
Those rumors helped force Mr. Takenaka to water down his plan to tackle
Japan's 12-year-old bad-loan problem.

"Agent of the Americans" screamed one tabloid headline about Mr. Takenaka,
the minister of economy and of financial services.

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