VNS Unable to Deliver Exit Polls

ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News Channel -- anticipating possible problems with
exit polls -- each did last-minute telephone surveys to gauge voter
attitudes. Fox conducted its survey in 10 states on Monday night and Tuesday
and used some of those findings on the air.

"VNS hired Battelle Memorial Institute, an Ohio-based technology company
that also works as a defense contractor to help build the new VNS system. A
Battelle spokeswoman declined comment on Tuesday's performance.

"Ted Savaglio, VNS executive director, said he was disappointed with
Battelle's work. He wouldn't comment on VNS' future.

FBI Investigates Possible Financial Motive in Anthrax Attacks

"DNA tests have confirmed that the spores used in the terrorist attacks are
genetically identical to a strain obtained by researchers at the U.S. Army
Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort
Detrick, Md., in about 1980. The Army has acknowledged distributing the
strain to five other agencies, and some of the strain was in turn shared
with other researchers.

"The five labs that received the Ames strain from USAMRIID are the Army's
Dugway Proving Ground in central Utah; Battelle Memorial Institute in
Columbus, Ohio; the University of New Mexico's Health Sciences Center in
Albuquerque; the Canadian DRES; and Porton Down.

"Battelle, a private contractor that has worked with the Pentagon in
developing defenses against biological attacks, is one of several labs
visited by FBI agents investigating the anthrax attacks. Katy Delaney, a
Battelle spokeswoman, said the company has cooperated fully with the
government's investigation.

"FBI agents "have interviewed people on our staff," Delaney said, but she
declined to provide information about the nature of the interviews or how
many Battelle employees had been questioned. "I can say that we have
continued to provide all of the information and material that has been
requested by the government," Delaney said.

"Battelle is a contractor at Dugway, which last week acknowledged making a
powdered form of anthrax to use in testing sensors and other equipment used
to defend against biological attacks.

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