----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:09 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:32236] Re: outsourcing the State

> "This is inherent to getting the taxpayers the best deal for their dollars
> and the best service from the government," said Trent Duffy, spokesman for
> the Office of Management and Budget.
> It's called building a permanent Republican party gravy train. The only
> thing inherent in the plan is the stench of corruption.
> The Government Accounting Office has determined that public-private
> competition will save taxpayers 30 percent on each contract.
> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! And they charged poor Andy Fastow for
> the petty cash box! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
> Tom Walker
> 604 255 4812

"The Bush administration officials are at war with reliable and experienced
rank-and-file federal employees," said Bobby L. Harnage Sr., president of
the American Federation of Government Employees. "They are systematically
conspiring to bust their unions, gut their civil service protections and
hand over their jobs to politically well-connected contractors."

"An altogether contrasting approach, on the other hand, has been to make the
government again lose its autonomy, not to the economist, but now to the
economic system whose agents within a pluralistic political regime play the
policy influencing game that determines the policy outcome. The lobbies
compete for policy outcomes; the government is a de facto playground where
this competition or conflict results in policy outcome. The government has
no ego, no identity in this approach. It is best described as the
*clearinghouse government* approach to political economy modeling. [J.
Bhagwati, Political Economy and International Economics]

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