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Sister Carrie, by Theodore Dreiser 


The Lure Of The Material--Beauty Speaks For


The true meaning of money yet remains to be
popularly explained and comprehended.  When each
individual realises for himself that this thing
primarily stands for and should only be accepted
as a moral due--that it should be paid out as
honestly stored energy, and not as a usurped
privilege--many of our social, religious, and
political troubles will have permanently passed.
As for Carrie, her understanding of the moral
significance of money was the popular
understanding, nothing more.  The old definition:
"Money: something everybody else has and I must
get," would have expressed her understanding of
it thoroughly.  Some of it she now held in her
hand--two soft, green ten-dollar bills--and she
felt that she was immensely better off for the
having of them.  It was something that was power
in itself.  One of her order of mind would have
been content to be cast away upon a desert island
with a bundle of money, and only the long strain
of starvation would have taught her that in some
cases it could have no value.  Even then she
would have had no conception of the relative
value of the thing; her one thought would,
undoubtedly, have concerned the pity of having so
much power and the inability to use it.

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