[Business Week]
NOVEMBER 25, 2002

Making a Federal Case Out of Overseas Abuses
An obscure law paves the way for suits against multinationals

Should U.S. multinationals be held liable for the human-rights abuses of
foreign governments? Victim advocates charge, for instance, that Burma's
military rulers forced peasants at gunpoint to help build a pipeline for
Unocal Corp. (UCL ), torturing and killing those who resisted. The company
knew and approved, they claim. Unocal denies it.

This emotional issue lies at the heart of a dozen lawsuits that seek to hold
companies liable if they work with repressive regimes. Plaintiffs in several
of these suits, including the one against Unocal, recently have made strides
in establishing legal grounds for such claims under an arcane 1789 statute
called the Alien Tort Claims Act. Early courtroom victories have set off
alarms among business groups, which worry that the likes of IBM (IBM ),
Citibank (C ), and Coca-Cola (KO ) may be socked with huge jury damages for
the misdeeds of Third World governments. Ultimately, up to 1,000 U.S. and
foreign companies could be named as defendants in the pending suits, experts
on both sides say.

To head them off, business groups have called a closed-door strategy session
in Washington on Nov. 18 to consider everything from possible legislation to
filing a slew of amicus curiae briefs. Already, some companies have been
lobbying the Justice Dept. to intervene. Last summer, the State Dept. warned
a judge that a case against Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM ) in Indonesia "could
potentially disrupt" the fight against terrorism and should be dropped.
Business groups fear that further plaintiffs' successes could chill U.S.
companies' activities around the globe. "Large jury awards will send a
message that if you are going to do business in a country where the
government is violating human-rights or labor standards, you may be sued,"
warns J. Daniel O'Flaherty, vice-president at the National Foreign Trade
Council, which represents U.S. exporters.

The Alien Claims act on which the suits are based was originally intended to
reassure Europe that the fledgling U.S. wouldn't harbor pirates or
assassins. It permits foreigners to sue in U.S. courts for violations of
"the law of nations." It remained little used until 1976, when a Paraguayan
doctor brought suit in U.S. court against a former Paraguayan police
official for the murder of the doctor's son. In 1980, a federal appeals
court ruled that the law allowed foreigners to bring suit in U.S. court over
acts committed abroad.

In the early 1990s, human-rights lawyers began applying the law to U.S.
corporations. Their contention: that companies can be liable for aiding
wrongdoing by authorities or can be "vicariously liable" for the damages
caused. For example, a Colombian labor union has brought a U.S. lawsuit
against Coca-Cola Co. for allegedly hiring paramilitary units that murdered
union organizers. And South Africans have sued Citigroup and other
as-yet-unnamed companies for allegedly profiteering from apartheid. "These
lawsuits hold the corporate world responsible for the ultimate actions of
what their products and money do," says Edward Fagan, a New York lawyer
helping the plaintiffs.

Human-rights activists think they have the best shot in the Unocal case. It
was filed in Los Angeles in 1996 on behalf of Burmese citizens who claim
that the California energy giant used the army of Burma to force villagers
to clear jungle for the company's natural-gas pipeline. A lower court
dismissed the case, but in September the often liberal Ninth Circuit U.S.
Court of Appeals reinstated it. The court suggested that Unocal could be
liable if it "provided practical assistance or encouragement" to the Burmese
military--or even if Unocal simply knew that crimes were occurring.

The case still faces plenty of legal hurdles, but it has progressed to the
point where Unocal may soon have to face torture survivors in court--a
publicity nightmare. If that happens, activists are sure to be emboldened to
bring more grievances to U.S. courts.

By Paul Magnusson in Washington

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