Title: TOMPAINE.com - ExxonMobil Caves To Science
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ExxonMobil Caves To Science 
Slick Maneuvering By Oil Giant On Climate Change

Ross Gelbspan is a veteran newspaper editor and reporter, and the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Heat Is On, published by Perseus Books in 1998. He maintains the Web site The Heat Is On-Line.

ExxonMobil deserves a measure of congratulations for finally acknowledging what has long been accepted by more than 2,000 scientists, some 160 nations and virtually every other oil company in the world.

The world's largest oil company softened its long-standing campaign of disinformation against mainstream science by acknowledging the potential risks of climate change and announcing a 10-year $100 million grant to Stanford University for research on "low-emissions" technologies.

Still, ExxonMobil can't seem to break its disinformation habit.

Even as ExxonMobil declared that renewable technologies remain years in the future, Toyota announced it is putting a fleet of hydrogen-powered fuel cell cars on the streets of Tokyo in December.

Its New York Times op-ad on November 22, 2002 drew howls of ridicule when the world's third largest corporation declared:

[M]any ... alternative energy approaches are not as energy efficient, environmentally beneficial or economic as competing fossil fuels. They are often sustained only through special advantages and government subsidies. This is not a desirable basis for public policy or the provision of energy.

Currently ExxonMobil benefits from federal subsidies of about $25 billion a year for fossil fuels. That figure does not include an estimated additional $15 billion to protect oil supplies from the Middle East. Under the Bush administration, renewable technologies will receive about $920 million a year in subsidies for five years. The oil giant contends that the government has extended "special advantages" to renewable energy providers. But during the formation of the administration's Energy Plan, the renewable energy industry was essentially invisible.

By contrast, ExxonMobil, the second biggest energy funder of the Bush Campaign, met on numerous occasions with Vice President Cheney and his staff in preparation of the administration's Energy Plan.

Those meetings followed a memo from ExxonMobil to the White House which led to the ouster of Dr. Robert Watson as head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Moreover, ExxonMobil hand-picked the Bush administration's new climate negotiator, who promptly announced the United States will not engage the Kyoto process for at least 10 years.

ExxonMobil's 10-year research grant amounts to one-tenth of one percent of the money the oil giant will spend on oil exploration in the next decade, according to Campaign ExxonMobil. It amounts to about 40 percent of the annual salary of its CEO.

ExxonMobil's change of posture was designed to deflect further demonization of the company, which has been the object of a widespread European boycott and the victim of an unexpectedly successful shareholder campaign at its annual meeting. An alternative resolution, calling on the company to cease its "disinformation" and develop a plan for renewables, gained a remarkable 21 percent last May.

Still, despite ExxonMobil's effort to project a kinder, gentler tone of denial, it is still having problems with the scorched-earth rhetoric of CEO Lee Raymond.

Raymond proclaimed recently: "The mainstream of some so-called environmentalists or politically correct Europeans isn't the mainstream of all scientists or the White House. The world has been a lot warmer than it is now and it didn't have anything to do with carbon dioxide."

So much for 100 years of peer-reviewed scientific research into the heat-trapping qualities of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

By contrast, more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries reporting to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in what is the largest and most rigorously peer-reviewed scientific collaboration in history found in 1995 that human beings are changing the climate by our burning of fossil fuels. In 2001, the IPCC found:

Climate change is occurring much more rapidly than scientists anticipated ... temperatures in this century could rise by as much as 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit as impending climate impacts occur ... most of earth's people will be losers.

On balance, ExxonMobil's change of posture is a welcome step. If it is an indicator of future corporate policy, ExxonMobil could become a central engine of positive change for the world.

But if, as many climate activists worry, ExxonMobil's latest initiative is simply a prolonged stall to avoid dealing with the climate crisis, it will soon be hard pressed to prove that its corporate behavior does not constitute a crime against humanity.

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Published: Nov 27 2002


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