Steve, I took the title from the article.  It was cute, but I don't
believe that anybody on this list would think that the article really
suggested that he had any sympathy for the KKK.
"Devine, James" wrote:

> while this is a good debunking of Soro's "humanitarian" pretensions,
> it leans heavily toward conspiracy-theory thinking.
> I am sure the guy worked -- and works -- with the CIA, but a
> materialist analysis would look for the internal contradictions of the
> old Soviet-type mode of production that allowed Soros and the CIA to
> be so effective in dismantling bureaucratic socialism. After all, the
> Soviets had their own secret interventions into the so-called "West"
> that didn't have cause capitalism to fall apart. How is it that the
> Soros-style seduction of the "Eastern" elites was so successful?
> While it's likely that the CIA sent a lot of funds to Poland's
> Solidarity movement, it would be a mistake to see its origins as
> simply a CIA or CIA/Soros plot, as is suggested by the phrase
> "CIA-funded Solidarity operation" below. I would look instead to the
> failures of the planned economy (the equivalent of capitalism's
> crises) and to the class antagonisms in Poland, along with the
> traditional antagonism of the Poles toward the Russians.
> >In 1980, Soros began to use his millions to attack socialism in
> Eastern Europe. He financed individuals who would cooperate with him.
> His first success was in Hungary. He took over the Hungarian
> educational and cultural establishment, incapacitating socialist
> institutions throughout
> the country. He made his way right inside the Hungarian government.
> Soros next moved on to Poland, aiding the CIA-funded Solidarity
> operation and in that same year, he became active in China. The USSR
> came next. It is not coincidental that the Central Intelligence Agency
> had operations in all of those countries. The goal of the Agency was
> exactly the same as that of the Open Society Fund: to dismantle
> socialism. In South Africa, the CIA sought out dissidents who were
> anticommunist. In Hungary, Poland and the USSR, the CIA, with overt
> intervention from the National Endowment for Democracy, the AFL-CIO,
> USAID and other institutions, supported and organized anticommunists,
> the very type of individuals recruited by Soros' Open Society Fund.
> The CIA would have called them "assets." As Soros said, "In each
> country I identified a group of people - some leading personalities,
> others less well known - who share my belief..."16 Soros' Open Society
> organized conferences with anticommunist Czechs, Serbs, Romanians,
> Hungarians, Croatians, Bosnians, Kosovars. 17 His ever-expanding
> influence gave rise to suspicions that he was operating as part of the
> U.S. intelligence complex. In 1989, the Washington Post reported
> charges first made in 1987 by the Chinese government officials that
> Soros' Fund for the Reform and Opening of China had CIA connections.
> 18 <
> BTW, the phrase "Imperial Wizard" is cute, but is there any evidence
> that Soros likes the KKK?
> Jim


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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