>When will the vast armies of 
>the working intelligentsia see the bigger picture on
>a world scale?

Having recently left the academic sanctum - with
astronomic debts and tiny prospects of finding work, I
have some thoughts on the subject. 
Tutition fees and student debt is necessary. Not to
pay for education, but to keep the pecunary mindset in
place in an expanding population that - for most of
their lifes - are redundent to production and 
labourmarket relations. Student revolts in the 60's
was possible thanks to stundents not beeing mindlocked
by debt and insecurity in future employment. Had the
financial security remained with todays increase om
proportion of students, social stability would have
been in trouble. Instead students are disciplined by
fear of indebted unemployment and promises of entering
the middle class. When those hopes are finally
frustrated, things will start to happen. From what I
know, radicals in muslim third world countries (where
the false promises have been proved wrong much
quicker) are often disappointed and redundant
ex-students. Question is, how can frustration be
channeled into a positive force against capitalism,
and not destructively into fascism or religious


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