Title: RE: [PEN-L:32803] RE: Re: Chomsky

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/02 11:20AM >>>
> Before the Kuwait war, Iraq had lots of oil bucks, so that
> Saddam could do a lot of good things for the people in order
> to build up his legitimacy without detracting from the
> all-important feathering of his own nest.
> JD

 michael hoover says:
> i don't know much about iraq but individual emphasis of above
> seems bit simplistic to me (i never cared much for great/evil
> man stuff anyway)...

I agree. I was using short-hand. The fact is that no-one's power is absolute. Even Bush must rely on the various interest groups that endorse him and must compromise his program to keep or gain their support.


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