Both grandfathers made lots of $$$ working with the Nazis.  Ravi, what is
the law you mentioned a couple of days ago with respect to the Nazis and

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 01:07:06PM -0800, Eugene Coyle wrote:
> I think it can be said that Bush's money comes out of Wall Street before 
> oil.  His grandfather, Prescott Bush was a partner (while in the Senate) 
> at Brown Brothers Harriman, 59 Wall St., a commercial bank AND member of 
> the NYSE.  Brown Brothers Harriman was, early in its life, an 
> entreprenurial gang.  The Bush money (maternal as well) is Wall St. money.
> Doug Henwood wrote:
> > Chris Burford wrote:
> > 
> >>  But what sector of capitalism did he represent if it was not finance 
> >> capital?
> > 
> > 
> > Are you using this term in Hilferding's sense, as the unity of industry 
> > and finance on the mystical model of the Holy Trinity? I don't think 
> > things are so seamlessly joined. O'Neill came out of fairly traditional 
> > heavy industry and always expressed hostility towards Wall Street - and 
> > they returned the favor. They never trusted his dedication to a strong 
> > dollar policy, one issue that divides manufacturers and financiers. Wall 
> > Street wants a markets guy at Treasury - we'll see if they get what they 
> > want.
> > 
> > Doug
> > 
> > 

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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