----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hoover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:33183] Bush Administration On The Poor: Pay More Taxes!

> New Tax Plan May Bring Shift In Burden
> Poor Could Pay A Bigger Share
> By Jonathan Weisman
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Monday, December 16, 2002; Page A03


[Attention Holiday Shoppers]

Refinancing America
The Republican Antitax Agenda

Sheldon D. Pollack - Author

A highly accessible history of Republican tax policy.

A fascinating account of the long history of antitax sentiments within
the Republican party, Refinancing America looks at how opposition to
income and wealth taxation became the dominant factor influencing the
party's political agenda. The countless proposals for tax cuts
introduced by Republicans in Congress during the 1990s, as well as the
Bush administration's $1.6 trillion tax cut in May 2001, were not
aberrations, but rather the continuation of a long tradition of
hostility to taxation. Nevertheless, the rhetoric and devotion to the
antitax cause in the 1990s was more pronounced than in the past, and
this book explains how this more extreme strain of antitax politics came
to dominate the GOP.

"Pollack combines a detailed knowledge of tax law and policy with a
thorough appreciation of the broader historical dynamics of American
politics and political economy. Refinancing America deals with one of
the enduring domestic policy issues in American politics, and in many
ways goes to the heart of the broader debate over the role of government
versus the individual." -- Euel Elliott, University of Texas at Dallas

"Very reader friendly even to the tax novice, this book gives an
excellent behind the scenes look at the legislative process." - Jay
Soled, Rutgers University

Sheldon D. Pollack is Associate Professorof Business Law at the
University of Delaware. He is the author of The Failure of U.S. Tax
Policy: Revenue andPolitics.

Table Of Contents




1. The Origins of Republican Tax Policy

2. Forever a Minority Party?

3. Reagan Changes the Course

4. The Tax Deadlock Decade

5. Tax Policy in the Twenty-first Century

6. GOP Campaign to Kill the "Death Tax"

7. The Great Corporate Tax Giveaway

8. The Politics of the Surplus

Conclusion: The Prospects for U.S. Tax Policy

Appendix 1: Charts

Appendix 2: Tables




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