Michael Pollak wrote:
> > In a message dated 12/23/02 12:26:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > So what has happened for the conservative right that Bush let him [Lott]
> > fall?
> The main reason is that this sort of open racism alienates swing voters
> and if Lott stayed, he'd be a button ready to push for the next to years.
> And the Dems have no other button so you can be sure they'd push it.

I think it a mistake to assume there must be "a reason" for everything.
Why did X do such & such? She thought it a good idea at the time, but
can't remember why. Perhpas her feet were cold or her watch had stopped.
There is a huge element of contingency in human affairs. In the present
case, Dan's question implies that there is _a_ conservative right with a
central committee which consults its ultimate interests (and estimates
those interests correctly) before instructing the President as to what
color tie he should wear on Fridays.

"The Conservative Right" is nearly as amorphous as "The Left," and most
general statements about both are either trivial or false.

Bush and his aides just happened to think that it would be a good idea.
And "The Conservative Right" probably has other things on its mind (if
there such a thing as "the mind" of "the conservative right") than
conducting class warfare over a jerk from mississippi.


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