Forwarded on behalf of Mike Lebowitz [the attachment is reproduced below]:

>Dear Friends and Comrades,
> Attached (this time it should open!) is an announcement of a
> conference next May in Havana which I have been helping to organise. The
> theme, "Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century," is one that
> should interest listmembers, and the hope is to have papers distributed
> in advance and a series of continuing panels ('commissions') which
> maximise discussion among participants.
Among those who have already indicated their intention to present
> papers are Greg Albo, Robert Albritton, Samir Amin, Patrick Bond, Werner
> Bonefeld, Paul Burkett, Alexander Buzgalin, Al Campbell, Paresh
> Chattopadhyay, Simon Clarke, Han Deqiang, Heinz Dieterich, Elizabeth
> Dore, Gerard Dumenil, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Helio Gallardo, Marta
> Harnecker, Martin Hart-Landsberg, Remy Herrara, John Holloway, Francois
> Houtard, David Kotz, Georges Labica, Michael Lebowitz, Hein Marais,
> Terrance McDonough, Istvan Meszaros, Dimitri Milonakis, Simon Mohun, Fred
> Moseley, Trevor Ngwane, Leo Panitch, James Petras, Robert Pollin, Richard
> Westra and Brigitte Young.
 If you are interested in presenting, unfortunately there is a
> relatively short deadline that has been set (although there may be some
> flexibility-- in Cuba there generally is). Another possibility is to
> serve as a paper discussant; if you are interested in this (or have any
> other specific questions ), write to me with a copy to Nchamah Miller
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, indicating the subject area you would prefer.
> Also, could you please circulate this to any other lists where
> you think this conference will be of interest. Thanks.
> in solidarity,
> mike
>Michael A. Lebowitz
>Economics Department
>Simon Fraser University
>Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
>Office: Phone (604) 291-4669
> Fax (604) 291-5944
>Home: (604) 689-9510 [NOTE CHANGE]
>Lasqueti Island: (250) 333-8810

[Content of attachment referred to above]:

Havana conference: May 5 - 8, 2003
Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century

At the time of posting of this notice we already have the confirmation of many internationally recognized scholars from all continents and thus we are driven in our efforts to making this conference as open as possible and maintaining our set objectives.

Other Conference related activities

With a view to maintaining communications post the conference, the Organizing Committee will be presenting a proposal to establish an on-going Permanent International Workshop: Marx and the challenges of the Century XXI which would publish, organize events and in general maintain a continued interchange between participants to the conference and new colleagues that may wish to join us.

Those who wish to participate in the activities that will be organized for the International Workers Day on May 1st, and others that will be co-ordinated by the Cuban Workers Labour Union together with the Organizing Committee during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May should advise the Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee prior to the 31st of January 2003.  The program for the activities for those days will be published shortly and will include academic discussion and interchanges with Cuban specialists and well as activities with the Cuban labour movement among others.

We will be offering courses and events pre and post the conference as well as co-lateral activities that will be published in other notices.

All work will be done in commission-oriented sessions in panels grouped by themes.

There will also be optional evening sessions at conference rooms nearby the hotels that have been selected for the conference.  These sessions will be dedicated to interchanges on themes that affect current day Cuba, among other topics of relevance. Work sessions will be in English and in Spanish.


Presenters will be allotted a 15-minute presentation period for their papers, and these will be the basis for discussions in working commissions.

The Conference Schedule is as follows:


8:00 - 9:00 Registration of foreign participants Cuban participants will register at the Instituto de Filosophia on April 28th to 30th.

9:30 - 11:30 Plenary Session Opening Speech Presentation of Scheduled Work Program among others a proposal for the continuation of the work commenced at this Conference on the basis of a Permanent International Workshop:  Marx and the Challenges of the Century XXI.

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30 Work in Commissions

13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:00 Work in Commissions

16:00 Welcome cocktail.

Tour through Havana Tuesday May 6

Wed.  May 7

9:00 - 11:00 Work in oriented commissions

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 13:30 Work in oriented commissions

13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:00 Work in oriented commissions

21:00 - 23:00 Optional theme sessions

Thurs. May 8

9:00 - 11:00 Work in oriented commissions

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 13:30 Plenary session Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of the work in the commissions Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements.

13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 17:00 Plenary session Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of the work of the commissions Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements.

17:00 Closing

20:00 Farewell cocktail


Habana Libre (5 star)
Vedado (4 star)
Colina (3 star)

Room Rate Double Occupancy
US$ 338.00
US$ 207.00
US$ 192.00

Room Rate Single Occupancy
US$ 508.00
US$ 277.00
US$ 238.00

All prices include: Stay for 5 nights Transfers in/out Transfers to and from activities City Tour Farewell cocktail Guide services.  Personalized attention.

Note rates do not include any other service not mentioned.

All co-ordination and information or any other item of interest will be covered and through Rumbos Cuba, Lic. Maria Elena Dominguez Cabrera: e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Organizing Committee (Comité Organizador)

Presidenta: Dra. Romelia Pino Freyre*, Directora del Instituto de Filosofía.

Coordinador del Comité Científico: Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos*   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coordinador del Comité de Logística: Lic. Alberto Pérez

Miembros del Comité Científico de la Conferencia: (por orden alfabético del primer apellido)

Professor Robert Albritton*. Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto, Canada

Professor Samir Amín*, Forum du Tiers Monde

Luciano Alzaga*, Suecia.

Dr. Al Campbell*, Professor of Economics, University of Utah.

Dr. Ken Cole*, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.

Prof. Renée Marie Croose Parry,  Instituto de Filosofía

B.Sc. Kenneth Croose Parry, Instituto de Filosofía.

Dra. Norma Gálvez, Instituto Superior de Arte, Ministerio de Cultura

Dra. Carmen Gómez García, Sociedad Cubana de Investigaciones Filosóficas

Marta Harnecker*,  Centro de Investigaciones Memoria Popular Latinoamericana (MEPLA)

Profesor Remy Herrera*, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique y Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Francia.

Prof. Emeritus Georges Labica*, Director Cientifico Honorario C.N.R.S., Paris.

Prof. Emeritus Michael Lebowitz,* Economics Department, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Dr. Miguel Limia David, Consejo de Ciencias Sociales, del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, CITMA

Dr. Darío Machado

Lic. Luis Marcelo Yera

Nchamah Miller*, Investigadora colombiana, York University, Toronto.

Lic. Humberto Miranda, Grupo GALFISA, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA

Dr. Ernesto Molina*, Asociación de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba

Dra. Isabel Monal,, Cátedra de Estudios Marxistas

Julio Antonio Mella

Lic. Haydee Montes Cabrera, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba ( CTC)

Dra. Concepción Nieves Ayús, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA

Dr. Hugo Pons, Centro de Estudios  de Economía  y  Planificación, Ministerio de Economía y Planificación

Dr. Rigoberto Pupo, Facultad de Filosofía, Sociología e Historia, Universidad de la Habana
Isabel Rauber, Pasado y Presente XXI.

Dra. Daysy Rivero Alvisa, Presidenta Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País.

Lic. Boris Luis Rodríguez, Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas

Dr. Ramón Sánchez Noda, Dirección de Marxismo- Leninismo, Ministerio de Educación Superior, MES.

Dr. Luis Suarez, Dirección de Marxismo-Leninismo, MES.

Dr. Jorge Luis Santana, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA

Lic. Lynette Thoman.*, University of York, Canada

Dr. Vicente Zito Lema*,  Director Académico, Universidad Popular Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Argentina.

*International Advisory Committee

Teléfonos: Instituto de Filosofía 8321887; 8320301; 8329768   Fax: 8321887

Correo electrónico del Instituto de Filosofía: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Correos del Comité Organizador Científico: Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nchamah Miller , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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