>Hyman Minsky used to say there were 57 varieties of capitalism.

I think it is getting to the point where more people have said Minsky
said it than he actually said it himself. He always said it was 57
pickles. I thought it was ketchup. In any case, I always wondered, are
there really so many varieties of capitalism?  

Well, maybe not.  It turns out, the 57 was completely arbitrary. The
"rest is history" indeed!

>From the Heinz web site:

What is the significance of "57"? 

The Heinz 57 Varieties slogan is synonymous with the name
"Heinz." Our corporate history tells us that in 1896, Henry John
Heinz noticed an advertisement for "21 styles of shoes." He
decided that his own products were not styles, but varieties.
Although there were many more than 57 foods in production at the
time, because the numbers "5" and "7" held a special significance
for him and his wife, he adopted the slogan "57 Varieties." Thus, a
new advertising campaign was launched for Heinz 57 Varieties -
and the rest is history!


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