Excerpts from the below NYT article:

1) "Traditional company pension plans became commonplace after
World War II and are estimated to be the second-largest source of
income today for elderly Americans, after Social Security. But
employers offer them voluntarily, and over the last decade many
have been switching to 401(k) plans, which are simpler and
generally cheaper to administer because employees set aside the
money and decide how to invest it themselves.

For workers, traditional pensions are considered more reliable
than 401(k) plans, because pensions provide a predetermined
monthly check from retirement to death and are guaranteed by the

2) "The federal agency that insures the pensions of some 44
million Americans has been pounded by a succession of big
corporate bankruptcies and has burned through its entire $8
billion surplus in one year.

The agency, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, provides
protection to retirees in case of a failure, much as the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation protects depositors when a bank
fails. Though it can continue to make its current payments, the
agency is expected to disclose a deficit of $1 billion to $2
billion at the end of this month.

Its soundness is likely to deteriorate further in the coming
months, as more bankrupt companies find themselves unable to
fulfill their promises to tens of thousands of present and future

3) "Stock prices are down again, and interest rates are unusually
low. Normally, stock prices and interest rates move in opposite
directions. When they both go down at the same time, it is
particularly painful."

Painful indeed.




January 25, 2003
$8 Billion Surplus Withers at Agency Insuring Pensions

The federal agency that insures the pensions of some 44 million
Americans has been pounded by a succession of big corporate
bankruptcies and has burned through its entire $8 billion surplus
in one year.

The agency, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, provides
protection to retirees in case of a failure, much as the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation protects depositors when a bank
fails. Though it can continue to make its current payments, the
agency is expected to disclose a deficit of $1 billion to $2
billion at the end of this month.

Its soundness is likely to deteriorate further in the coming
months, as more bankrupt companies find themselves unable to
fulfill their promises to tens of thousands of present and future
retirees. US Airways, United Airlines and Kmart are among the
companies struggling to emerge from bankruptcy protection under
the weight of large underfunded pension plans.

An awareness of the pension agency's rapidly diminishing strength
is already fueling a debate in Washington about whether the
guaranteed retirement benefits of millions of Americans are at
risk and, if so, who should pay to make them airtight.

Businesses support the agency's operations by paying premiums for
each person covered by the insurance, and they are sure to resist
any increase. The decisions are difficult. Postpone the increase
and the pension system could be imperiled, but increase it too
sharply and companies might decide to stop offering pensions

"You can get this wrong in both directions," said Damon A.
Silvers, associate general counsel at the A.F.L.-C.I.O.

Among the remedies being discussed are charging all companies
with pension plans higher premiums, requiring them to fund their
plans more fully, making the companies with the shakiest plans
pay the most and changing the way the agency invests its money.

Traditional company pension plans became commonplace after World
War II and are estimated to be the second-largest source of
income today for elderly Americans, after Social Security. But
employers offer them voluntarily, and over the last decade many
have been switching to 401(k) plans, which are simpler and
generally cheaper to administer because employees set aside the
money and decide how to invest it themselves.

For workers, traditional pensions are considered more reliable
than 401(k) plans, because pensions provide a predetermined
monthly check from retirement to death and are guaranteed by the

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation was created in 1974 to
take over insolvent pension plans and keep paying benefits when a
company could not. A retiree whose plan is taken over keeps
getting monthly checks, but the amount may be smaller, because
the government limits the amount it insures. The current maximum
is about $3,600 a month for those older than 65 at the time of
the takeover, and less for those who are younger. As of 2001, the
agency had $22 billion in assets and was responsible for paying
the pensions of 624,000 current and future retirees. It paid more
than $1 billion in stipends that year.

The agency has weathered deficits in the past, its finances
worsening when stock prices have fallen or when very large
corporations have collapsed. In 1992, after it shouldered $1.4
billion in unfunded claims from Pan American World Airways and
Eastern Air Lines, there were warnings that the agency itself
might go broke, much as the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation had done a few years earlier.

Steps were taken to strengthen the agency and make it harder for
companies to run their pension plans into the ground. Rising
stock prices further bolstered the agency in the latter half of
the 1990's, and the warnings of a disastrous S.& L.-style
collapse died away.

Now, those warnings have returned, as the gap has soared between
what companies have promised to pay in pensions and the funds
they have set aside to do so. At the end of last year, the gap
was estimated to be $300 billion. During the agency's previous
crisis, in 1993, the funding gap peaked at $109 billion.

Stock prices are down again, and interest rates are unusually
low. Normally, stock prices and interest rates move in opposite
directions. When they both go down at the same time, it is
particularly painful.

In pension accounting, the lower the interest rate, the greater
the future obligations. That is because of the difficulty of
setting aside enough money to cover future payments, which loom
large if interest is accruing at only a few percent a year, and
has nothing to do with any increase in the number of retirees or
their benefits.

"This is really the first time the P.B.G.C. has been faced with
this confluence of events," said Mark A. Oline, a managing
director of Fitch Ratings. Mr. Oline monitors airlines, which
make up a large part of the pension agency's workload. The last
time a three-year bear market coincided with low interest rates
was 1939 to 1941, he said, and the agency did not exist then.

"The big question is, if all of a sudden these liabilities have
become so enormous, how is this situation addressed?" Mr. Oline

Although the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is a government
agency, its work is financed entirely by companies, not general
tax revenues. Companies pay $19 per person covered each year, or
more if a pension fund is underfunded. The basic rate has not
changed since 1991.

That means that if the agency's troubles worsen, businesses will
be asked to pay higher premiums, put more cash into their own
pension plans or both. The agency is also considering a new way
of assessing premiums, making the companies with the weakest
pension funds pay the most.

Any of those changes would require Congressional action and would
be controversial. Already companies are struggling with their own
pension deficits, and are finding they must pay millions of
dollars to keep their plans compliant with the current rules.

"The well-funded employers don't want to pay a lot of money to
bail out the employers whose pension plans have fallen," said
Judith F. Mazo, director of research at the Segal Company, a
benefits consulting firm, and a member of the pension agency's
advisory committee.

At the same time, Ms. Mazo said, the companies with the shakiest
pension plans will protest if their premiums go up, saying they
obviously do not have the cash. If they did, they would have put
it into their pension plans.

For now, most big companies with pension plans are taking the
position that the current troubles will pass on their own.

"There is no crisis whatsoever," said Janice M. Gregory, vice
president of the Erisa Industry Committee, a group that lobbies
on behalf of the largest corporations on pensions and other
issues regarding employee benefits.

As members of the Erisa Industry Committee see it, interest rates
are sure to rise again. Then the balance-sheet values of future
liabilities will shrink, and much of the pension agency's deficit
will disappear.

In addition, Ms. Gregory said, businesses anticipate further
relief through an initiative by the Treasury Department to change
the interest rate that companies use for their pension
calculations. In the past, they used the 30-year Treasury bond as
a benchmark, but the government announced in early 2000 that it
would stop issuing those bonds. Businesses want to switch to a
high-quality corporate bond as the benchmark. That rate would be
higher, shrinking future pension liabilities.

Such a change would be subject to approval by Congress.

In the meantime, Ms. Gregory noted, the pension agency has more
than enough cash on hand to make its current payments. It takes
in some $800 million each year in premiums.

"That gives them a cushion to cover any additional new claims
that come in," Ms. Gregory said. "The P.B.G.C. is in good shape."

That view is firmly countered by some financial analysts. Zvi
Bodie, a professor of finance at the Boston University School of
Management who was invited to present his position to the pension
agency, wrote an academic paper in 1996 laying out a "possible
doomsday scenario" ending with an enormous taxpayer bailout.

Ominously, some of what he foreshadowed has already happened: a
sharp and prolonged drop in stock prices, a proliferation of
pension-plan underfunding and several large pension defaults.

Professor Bodie says the agency should begin charging premiums
based on the riskiness of a company's pension portfolio. He has
also spoken to the agency's advisory committee about the merits
of investing the agency's own trust fund in fixed-income
securities. The agency's board voted in 1994 to permit its trust
fund of seized plan assets to be invested up to 100 percent in
stocks, but the agency is considering scaling back. The money
from premiums is invested in government securities.

Much of the agency's surplus disappeared early last year when it
assumed the pension plans of the LTV Corporation, the large steel
company. LTV had already been through one bankruptcy and pension
trusteeship, in 1986. After LTV reorganized, the pension agency
forced it to take back its pension obligations — only to watch
the company file for Chapter 11 protection again in 2000.

In March 2002, the pension agency assumed LTV's pension payments
for a second time, wiping out $1.6 billion of its surplus. In
December, the agency assumed $1.1 billion in unfunded pension
claims from National Steel, and later that month, it took over
Bethlehem Steel's pension plans, for an estimated $3.7 billion.

Until last year, the agency's largest case was the 1991 takeover
of Pan Am's pensions, for $841 million.

The big pension plan failures show no sign of stopping this year.
US Airways' reorganization plans depend heavily on the airline's
ability to cope with some $3.1 billion in pension contributions
due over the next seven years. The airline has been seeking
government permission to stretch the payments out over 30 years.

"The minute you grant that, you'd have all the other airlines
lining right up," Mr. Oline of Fitch Ratings said, "and some
other industries after that, asking for the same thing."

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