This is from Zaman (Time), a Turkish newspaper that seems fairly progressive.


"Forcing God's Hand"

War supporters say that every probable bad and destructive result is a "conspiracy" in order to prove the rightness of USA's war based on no legitimacy. According to them, USA will put on its velvet gloves, go to Iraq and will terminate the empire of evil without hurting any one. What will come after is the beginning of a new life of paradise not only for Iraq but also for the entire region.

It is obvious that the entire region is on the threshold of a great disaster. Those who will foremost be affected from this scenario of Apocalypse are doubtless the Palestinians. If the war awaited by Sharon and the falcons of Israel in hunger takes place in the anticipated way, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who live on the historical Palestinian territory will be exiled from their land.

I had talked about this scenario a few days ago. Sharon and his extensions in USA believe that the Iraq war provides them with a historical opportunity. According to a sinister plan elaborated years ago, the ultimate solution of the "Palestinian issue" is the exile of all the Palestinians to Jordan and Israel's taking over the historical Palestinian land completely. If the Iraq war results in the splitting up of Iraq, the southern part of the country may be given to Jordan under the rule of one of the Hashimis-probably the Prince Hassan. Thus Palestinians who live in Palestine today and refugees who live outside of Palestine will be gathered here. There is no need to say that Jerusalem is supposed to be entirely given to Israel.

This is neither a prediction nor a conspiracy theory. This is only a fanaticism, madness. This is a target elaborated years ago and a plan that is supposed to be realized at an appropriate time. Israelis themselves loudly verbalize this sinister plan which is the ideal of Sharon and fanatic Jews who deeply affect USA's present administration. Because they too are deeply worried about a scenario of Apocalypse

Raya Rotem, Chairwoman of the Israeli Women's Peace Organization, who participated as a speaker in the anti-war meeting organized by "the Assembly of 100" on January 25, 2003, in Istanbul stated this openly and clearly. Rotem said "Sharon government will use the Iraq war as a screen to send the Palestinians into exile." (Zaman, January 26, 2003) Raya Rotem also said that the war will change the structure of not only Iraq but also the whole Middle East.

Those who think that all strategical calculations and wars based on these calculations in the world are always made in the pure "right mental framework" are often mistaken. There are so big calamities in the history; when one goes to the roots, one sees that a blind fanaticism caused all these. Which of Hitler's madness was the result of a commonsense?



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