As I was reading an earlier post Ian named "Turkey; more cash
please", it felt as if I was watching a negotiation between a
prostitute and a desperate client who needs to have sex
immediately. What is interesting is that this negotiation is
taking place in front of the eyes of billions of people.

It is surreal.



U.S., Turkey Fail to Agree on Iraq Plan
Wed, Feb 19, 2003

By LOUIS MEIXLER, Associated Press Writer

ANKARA, Turkey - With Washington warning that time is running
short, the United States and Turkey failed again Wednesday to
agree on a plan to let U.S. forces deploy for a northern front
against Iraq. The standoff came as U.S. ships loaded with tanks
and other armor awaited orders in the Mediterranean.

Secretary of State Colin Powell called Turkish Prime Minister
Abdullah Gul after a Turkish Cabinet meeting ended with no
decision, and a top Turkish leader said there were no plans for
parliament to take up the issue until at least next week.

The dispute does not alter a decision by NATO on Wednesday to
deploy AWACS radar aircraft, Patriot missiles and
chemical-biological response units to protect Turkey. NATO also
ordered experts to report on how the alliance could assist
Turkish civilians if there were an Iraqi attack, such as by
repairing damaged water and power networks.

But Turkish support for an Iraq operation was in question, held
up over demands for a reported $30 billion in loans and aid
before Turkey will let U.S. soldiers deploy against neighboring

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the leader of Turkey's ruling party, said
after a Cabinet meeting that there had been "no positive" outcome
in negotiations with the United States.

At a Pentagon news conference Wednesday, Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld said he expects Turkish cooperation in the end.

"I suspect that in one way or another — a variety of ways
probably — they'll end up cooperating in the event that force has
to be used in Iraq, he said.

The negotiations with Turkey involve the stationing of ground
forces. War planes are widely expected to be based in Turkey as
they were during the 1991 Gulf War. Some 50 U.S. aircraft have
long been in southern Turkey patrolling the "no-fly" zone over
northern Iraq.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer stressed the need for a quick
decision by Ankara.

"There's not a lot of time left," Fleischer said. "There comes a
moment when plans must be made, decisions must be made, and
cannot stretch on indefinitely."

Asked if Turkey had been given a deadline, Powell said: "Time is
moving, but I don't have a deadline I'd like to announce right
now. ... We are waiting to hear back from the Turks."

Many analysts say the U.S.-Turkish talks are part of a delaying
strategy by a Turkish government that feels trapped between the
desires of its strongest ally and the wishes of the Turkish
public, which is overwhelmingly against war.

Analysts have said that in the end, Turkey is almost certain to
agree to at least some U.S. demands to preserve its friendship
with the United States, whose support for Turkey in the European
Union and the International Monetary Fund have been critical for

But Erdogan appeared to bring that into question. Although not a
member of parliament, Erdogan is regarded as the power behind the
scenes in Turkey's ruling party.

"There are many countries which do not support the United States
but which are friends" of the United States, Erdogan said. "Will
(Washington) also cut relations with France, China, Russia as

That raised the prospect that Turkey might be trying to push the
United States to abandon plans to use Turkish bases, a move many
analysts say could lead to a serious rift between Washington and
NATO's only Muslim member.

The Turkish rebuff came as five U.S. ships filled with tanks and
other vehicles for the U.S. 4th Infantry Division waited off the
coast of the southern Turkish port of Iskenderun in the hopes of
unloading their armor, a U.S. defense official said. Another 35
supply ships are on their way to the area.

Washington is demanding to know whether the ships should approach
Turkey or turn south and head for the Persian Gulf.

Without access to more bases in Turkey, the U.S. military would
have to abandon a central feature of its strategy for war against
Iraq: using armored forces to open a northern front.

U.S. leaders say there still would be plenty of U.S. firepower in
the region to defeat Iraq's military.

"It's doable," Rumsfeld said. "There are work-arounds." He
declined to discuss any specifics.

But abandoning the Turkish option could have huge consequences.

U.S. generals were hoping to send 80,000 troops to Turkey who
would storm into Iraq, dividing Saddam Hussein's army between the
north and the south. That, U.S. and Turkish generals agree, would
likely shorten any war.

Turkish foot-dragging could encourage Saddam into believing that
he is not surrounded, U.S. officials say.

The high-stakes U.S.-Turkish talks reportedly centered on
Turkey's demands for some $10 billion in grants and up to $20
billion in long-term loans.

Washington had originally offered $4 billion to $15 billion
depending on the scope of the war, and has now reportedly raised
the offer to a minimum of $7 billion in grants and debt
forgiveness with additional money in loans.

When asked whether the U.S. proposal was a "final offer,"
Fleischer said: "I think that's a pretty good way to describe

Turkey's leaders brushed aside the offer.

Turkey's "demands have to be met," Erdogan said. "Only then can
we put the authorization on the agenda. These demands are not
being met, and Turkey is constantly being expected to make

NATO's decision to deploy AWACS radar aircraft, Patriot missile
systems and chemical-biological response units to Turkey came two
days after the end of a stalemate in the alliance over planning
in case of war with Iraq.

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