OK, Jim, do you really wanna rehash this? We have been
over these grounds before.

> apologies]
> JKS writes:> ... I have explained the differrence
> between functionalISM and
> functional EXPLANATION at several points ... FE is
> not a general doctribe
> about the nature of society; it is a style of
> explanation of the sort you
> get in Darwinian adaptive explanations.<
> a sort of explanation that has been much over-done.

This changes the subject. I do not here offer a
defense of FE (for that see an old paper I wrote,
Functional Explanation and Metaphysical Individualism,
Phil Science 1993). I say here only that FE is not
F-ism. FE might be something otherthan F-ism and
utterly terrible, unworthy of the slightest
consideration -- but not because it was F-ism,
supposing F-ism to be objectionable for some reason.

> for what it's worth, Marx's analysis (in one of his
> sketchiest writings, one
> that can be interpreted in at least two ways, not
> just in G.A Cohen's
> mechanistic way) was that the forces of production
> develop over time and
> then _come into conflict with_ [are dysfunctional
> with] the relations of
> production. 

This is PRECISELY Cohen's interpretation. You misread
Cohen to say that Marx think the forces happily
develop ad infinitum without conflict. Cohen does not
say that. He has a careful analysis of "fettering,"
namely the dysfunctionality (a  term which when I used
it in the last go around we had on this sent your
blood pressure through the roof) that happens when the
forces are fettered by the relations.

> the quality
> and quantity of the development of the forces of
> production are not given
> exogenously (as in tech-determinist theories) but
> are instead largely
> determined by the societal mode of production. So
> there's a dialectical
> process, not some simple functional explanation.
> Jim

The objection not that the functional explanation is
functional, but tahtit is simplistic.


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