Yesterday in London Igor Ivanov could not have been more unhelpful to the British government in the nicest possible way. Even before waiting to be asked, he told his press conference that they might ask him whether he has discussed a Russian veto with Jack Straw, his opposite number. No, he said pointedly. His further comments could hardly have been more explicit.

From the BBC:

Mr Ivanov told the BBC's Talking Point: "Abstaining is not a position Russia can take, we have to take a clear position and we are for a political solution."

Russia would use its veto if necessary, he argued.

He also disputed the UK view that the current UN resolution authorised military action without further reference to the security council.

Today Blair is going to try to talk to Ivanov personally. It is not impossible that even Blair is beginning to doubt his powers of positive persuasion. At some stage a deal might just get done. This could be the sort of meeting that would prepare the ground. Putin is understood to retain a less confrontational attitude than Ivanov, but must have approved Ivanov's comments. This may be the last chance to see whether they can agree. BBC commentators this morning suggest Russia has already allowed for the likelihood of a US-UK invasion, and is securing its options and its position.

Perhaps Putin is allowing Ivanov to hint at a veto, because it will be easier for Russia if the USA withdraws its resolution and has to prove itself in front of the court of world opinion.

Chris Burford

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