>From the CASI list. I doubt that Ashcroft would approve of "freedom

Cheers, Ken Hanly

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> American Politics Journal
> Mar. 12, 2003
> - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
> True or False: A Handy Guide to Iraq
> by Tamara Baker
> March 11, 2003 -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (apj.us) -- True or False:
> 1) Iraqis were among the 9/11 hijackers and masterminds.
> FALSE.  Most of the hijackers and masterminds were Saudi Arabian
> members
> of Al-Qaeda.  Al-Qaeda hates secular Iraq and Saddam almost as much as
> they hate America.
> 2) Saddam Hussein has an advanced nuclear program.
> FALSE.  The United States' nuclear allegations against Saddam have been
> debunked repeatedly by the International Atomic Energy Agency.  Most
> recently, it was revealed that the US' 'evidence' of Iraqi nukes had
> been faked, probably by the CIA.
> 3) The US has been very helpful to the UN's inspectors working in Iraq.
> FALSE.  A January 2003 CBS News story
> (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/01/18/iraq/main537096.shtml) shows
> that the US "tips" given the UN inspectors have turned out to be
> useless, misleading, and in the words of one UN official, "garbage."
> 4) The US will use precision bombing to make sure only Iraqi soldiers,
> not the civilians the US wants to liberate.
> FALSE.  Rumsfeld's "Shock and Awe" campaign, as was boasted on CBS
> News,
> will mean that no part of Baghdad, a city of 5 million, will be safe
> from US bombs.  "Shock and Awe" will drop more bombs in two days than
> were used during the entire 1990-1991 Gulf War.  The result?  A
> Dresden-style firestorm that will, at a minimum, 'liberate' tens of
> thousands of Iraqi civilians from their lives.
> (http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles/MickeyZ_Shock-and-Awe.htm)
> 5) Veteran BBC war correspondent Kate Adie says that the Pentagon has
> threatened to fire on the satellite uplink positions of independent
> journalists in Iraq, in order to keep them from transmitting news free
> of Pentagon censorship.
> TRUE.  In an interview on
> RTE(rtsp://streaming2.rte.ie/2003/0309/
> sundayshow.ra?start=%2200:49:15%22&end=%2201:16:43%22),
> Irish state radio, Ms. Adie stated the following (transcript here:
> http://www.gulufuture.com/news/kate_adie030310.htm): "I was told by a
> senior officer in the Pentagon, that if uplinks --that is the
> television
> signals out of... Baghdad, for example-- were detected by any planes
> ...electronic media... mediums, of the military above Baghdad... they'd
> be fired down on. Even if they were journalists ..' Who cares!' he
> said..."
> 6) South Korean media and legislators report that North Korean missile
> fragments have been found in Alaska.
> TRUE. The Korea Times reported this last week.
> (http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nation/200303/
> kt2003030417272311970.htm)
> Meanwhile, Saddam used up all his long-range missiles during the Gulf
> War; he can't hit Turkey, much less the US.  (And unlike North Korea,
> he
> doesn't have nukes.)
> 7) Republican bozos in the US House of Representatives are making fools
> of themselves by renaming the food in the House cafeteria.
> TRUE.  Here's the URL to prove it -- and no, this is not from The
> Onion:
> (http://www.salon.com/mwt/wire/2003/03/11/fries/index.html)  What next
> -- forcing French's Mustard to change its name?  Calling what they do
> to
> their pages "Freedom Kissing"?
> - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

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