I am sure you know that they are 1938 arabs in antioch and iskendarun.

 Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anti-U.S. Demonstrations Continues Non-stop in Iskenderun Harbour
Two demonstrations took place today in Iskenderun Harbour that was
recently rented by the U.S. for military deployment in Turkey.
Greenpeace activists blocked the entrance of the harbour with a truck
carrying the sign written 'No To War, U.S. Go Home' in two languages;
two of the activists chained themselves onto the truck while four others
to the wheels. Meanwhile two activists opened a sign written 'No To
War'. The activists had damaged the truck to make it unmovable and to
block the traffic around the harbour. The 15 activists resisted police
detainment for a long time. During the same hours 20 EMEP (Labour`s
Party) members were not let in the harbour area. EMEP members urged U.S.
soldiers to leave Turkey after they chanted slogans in front of the
harbour. Police attacked a ! march of 45 KESK, TMMOB and DISK (some labour
and occupation organisations) members in Nusaybin. The activists - many
of who were injured - were taken into custody. Medical doctors in
Istanbul and Diyarbakir - with white aprons - walked against war
preparations on 14th of March. War resisters with torches gathered
yester-night in Izmit.



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