Please, let's cool it.  There are more important things going on now.  Do
we really need circular firing squads?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 12:09:10PM -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:
> Doug Henwood wrote:
> > And who is centering on personalities? Now it's Domhoff, added to a long 
> > list of ad hominems, including Jim O'Connor and David Harvey - three 
> > radical scholars who've done really fine work. This kind of spurious 
> > even-handedness is deeply unfair Michael.
> The only thing I ever wrote about David Harvey is in the URPE journal 
> that can be read at: 
> What happened between me and Jim O'Connor is ancient history.
> Henwood has complained numerous times privately to Michael Perelman 
> about my presence on the list. He cannot stand the fact that I am here. 
> He would like to exclude me because my version of Marxism and his 
> own--such as it is--clash. But instead of answering me about David 
> Harvey or whatever else, he accuses me of "flaming" David Harvey or not 
> honoring the decorum of PEN-L. This kind of exclusionary attitude should 
> be condemned by anybody serious about the use of the Internet for the 
> free and open exchange of ideas.
> In point of fact, the letter to Domhoff was not only accepted by the 
> moderators of PSN, it was read by the subscribers with no complaints 
> about "ad hominem", etc. PSN has over 800 subscribers and is the primary 
> voice of leftwing sociologists on the Internet. The furor here is not 
> about Domhoff, it is about me.
> -- 
> The Marxism list:

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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