From: soula avramidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Liberal intellectuals are never happier than when, with patronizing smiles, they can dilate on the stupidity of George Bush. What I have tried to show is that Bush is neither retarded nor misdirected. Given his class perspective and interests, there are compelling reasons to commit armed aggression against Iraq---and against other countries to come....

What twaddle. On the one hand, there's no question that ridiculing Bush's intelligence is a mug's game; if he's so stupid how exactly did he become emperor of the world? OTOH, the equally patronizing claim that Bush's war makes perfect sense "given his class perspective and interests" is preposterous. The left is wasting its time looking for rational reasons for a war that ultimately is just plain insane -- a war that in a million and one ways will invite future resistance toward the US both in the Islamic world and among American's traditional allies and trading partners. This war subverts its own goals; it's nuts.


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