What the heck why pay 250,000 a month when you can  call in US bombers for

Cheers, Ken Hanly

PS. I have tried other addresses for Al Jezeera in English and cant get
through. At the time I sent the original address it worked. As well as being
hacked there seem to be technical troubles. Also, the US server is
withdrawing service at the end of this month.

US forces are now fighting two Islamic groups - one radical, one more
moderate - on a second front.

By Cameron W. Barr | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

SULAYMANIYAH, IRAQ - US troops are increasingly engaged in an attempt to
eliminate a militant group of several hundred Islamist fighters in
Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq.
In recent days the US has been expanding its military presence in the
region, in part to open an abbreviated "northern front" against areas
controlled by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. But an immediate goal is also
to assist Kurdish forces in the destruction of Ansar al Islam (Partisans of
Islam), an 18-month-old group, linked by the US to Al Qaeda, that controls
an enclave next to the Iranian border.

The US sent 40 to 50 cruise missiles into the area early Saturday morning
and aerial attacks have continued intermittently ever since.

Kurdish officials say they are waiting for a US go-ahead to mount a ground

But Ansar has not been the only target of US attack. Many of Saturday's
cruise missiles struck areas controlled by Komala Islami Kurdistan (Islamic
Group of Kurdistan), an armed but more moderate Islamist group that controls
villages next to the Ansar enclave. Despite PUK assertions to the contrary,
Komala leader Sheikh Ali Bapir said in an interview yesterday that his group
received no warning that it would come under US attack.

The US strikes have killed 43 Komala fighters, says Mr. Bapir. According to
Kamal Rahim, a senior member of the Islamic Movement of Kurdistan (IMK), a
third Kurdish group that wants an Islamic government, just seven Ansar
fighters have died as a result of US air assaults.

Targeting Komala may be an instance of making a problem worse in order to
make it better. The group has more fighters than Ansar and Bapir says many
of them now want to attack the the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which
administers the eastern portion of the Kurdish zone.

But he says his group will remain "patient," at least until the larger war
to the south is concluded. The US attack against Iraq presents, he says, "a
severe situation for our nation and we must take it into consideration."

Mustafa Said Qadir, a PUK military commander, estimates that Komala has no
more than 1,000 fighters. Ansar is thought to include some 700 armed men.
Mr. Qadir says he is assembling a force of some 6,000 PUK militiamen for a
ground assault against Ansar that may include helicopter support and other
assistance from US soldiers and intelligence operatives, several hundred of
whom are now in the Kurdish zone.

The attacks on Komala may also reflect an inclination within the PUK to deal
aggressively with its Islamist opposition. Barham Salih, the PUK prime
minister, says his party advised Komala repeatedly to move away from the
Ansar enclave and to sever all contacts with its members.

Ansar has waged war against the secular PUK since it emerged as a coherent
group in September 2001. US and Kurdish officials assert that Ansar has ties
with Al Qaeda and that its mountainous enclave - which includes some 18
villages - has served as a haven for some of its fighters.

The group has imposed a fundamentalist version of Islam on the villagers in
its area, banning television, requiring beards, and insisting that stores
close during Muslim prayer times. It has also distributed gory footage of
its attacks against the PUK on its website.

As is true elsewhere in the Middle East, analysts caution that the
popularity of Islamic politics here is more a reflection of popular
frustration than a genuine response to the appeal of pious men with beards
and guns. "The Islamic groups in Kurdistan are the result of civil war and
the bad economic situation," says Shwan Ahmed, a writer and journalist who
has studied local Islamists. "They are not the result of people's belief in
the groups."

In contrast to Ansar, Komala cooperates with the PUK's administration of its
region in exchange for a monthly stipend of about $250,000. The group also
enforces Islamic principles but less stringent ones.

Dr. Salih says the group has continued to aid its radical brethren. "We told
them you are in bad company," Salih says. "You cannot have it both ways."

Another PUK official, speaking on condition of anonymity, isn't impressed by
the distinctions between the armed Islamist groups that operate in the
Kurdish areas. "They are all the same to us," he says. "To eliminate them
all is better," he adds. He nods his head in the affirmative when asked if
"eliminate" is a euphemism for "kill."

In early March, PUK soldiers at a checkpoint outside Sulaymaniyah shot and
killed a senior Komala leader, three bodyguards, and a driver. PUK officials
immediately described the incident as a case of mistaken identity,
explaining that they had been tracking Ansar members traveling in a similar
vehicle, and apologized to Komala.

In retrospect, Bapir says the killing of his colleague now looks like a
warning. The Kurdish official acknowledges that such a thing "could be."

Bapir says Komala has received a new round of apologies from PUK officials
who he says have told the group that they were not aware of US plans to
attack its villages. To back up this statement, he produces a handwritten
letter, purportedly from PUK leader Jalal Talabani to Komala spiritual
leader Sheikh Mohammed Barzinji, that Bapir says was delivered Friday

He says the letter warns of an imminent US attack against Ansar, but makes
no mention that Komala territory would also be struck.

Bapir says the group has asked Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi
to explain to the US the "details and attitudes" of Komala, perhaps in an
effort to ward off future US attack.

He also says he has agreed to move his group's fighters to another part of
the region, away from Ansar's enclave.

That decision seems to have led to a cooling off of tensions, as is
evidenced by Bapir's presence at Komala's headquarters in Sulaymaniyah.

Although Bapir says he wants to avoid civil war, it is also clear that he is
not about to renounce militancy simply because of American attack.

When this reporter asks him about the whereabouts of a Komala fighter he has
interviewed, a young man named Khalid Jalal, Bapir pauses to remember.

He seems to have no memory of the young fighter. Then he stands up and
smiles. "If that Khalid is gone," he says, "we have so many Khalids."

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