Actually Iraq could very well claim that captured US troops are not governed
by the Geneva Convention. Since the war is  illegal they could very well
have joined the US dept of inventive terminology and called them illegal
combatants and put them in 7 by 8 ft containers.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

AI-index: AMR 51/045/2003     25/03/2003
25 March 2003
AI Index: AMR 51/045/2003\USA
International standards for all

"There are international standards that civilized regimes adhere to and then
there are regimes like Saddam Hussein['s] ...". US Secretary of Defence, 23
March 2003(1)

On 23 March 2003, following the news that US soldiers had been captured by
Iraqi forces during the US-led attack on Iraq, President George Bush said
that "we expect them to be treated humanely, just like we'll treat any
prisoners of theirs that we capture humanely... If not, the people who
mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals."(2)

Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld added that "the Geneva Convention
indicates that it's not permitted to photograph and embarrass or humiliate
prisoners of war, and if they do happen to be American or coalition ground
forces that have been captured, the Geneva Convention indicates how they
should be treated."(3) His statement came after interviews with five
captured US soldiers had been broadcast on Iraqi television.(4)

On the same day, about 30 more detainees were flown from Afghanistan to the
US Naval Base in Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. This brought to about 660 the
number of foreign nationals held in the base.(5) They come from more than 40
countries. Most were taken into custody during the international armed
conflict in Afghanistan. Some have been held in Guantánamo, without charge
or trial, and without access to lawyers, relatives or the courts, for more
than a year. Their treatment has flouted international standards.

>From the outset, the US Government refused to grant any of the Guantánamo
detainees prisoner of war (POW) status or to have any disputed status
determined by a "competent tribunal" as required under Article 5 of the
Third Geneva Convention. In April 2002, Amnesty International warned the US
administration that its selective approach to the Geneva Conventions
threatened to undermine the effectiveness of international humanitarian law
protections for any US or other combatants captured in the future.(6) The
organization received no reply to this or other concerns it raised about the

On the 9 February 2002, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
the most authoritative body on the provisions of the Geneva Conventions,
revealed that there were "divergent views between the United States and the
ICRC on the procedures which apply on how to determine that the persons
detained are not entitled to prisoner of war status".(7) The ICRC news
release said that the organization would pursue its dialogue with the US
Government on this issue. Nevertheless, to this day none of the Guantánamo
detainees have been granted POW status or appeared before a tribunal
competent to determine their status.

The US has ignored not only the ICRC on this issue, but also the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights. More recently, on 16 December 2002, the UN Working Group on
Arbitrary Detention noted that "the authority which is competent to
determine prisoner-of-war status is not the executive power, but the
judicial power", as specified under article 5 of the Third Geneva

When the first of the detainees arrived in Guantánamo in January 2002, the
Pentagon released a photograph of the detainees in orange jumpsuits,
kneeling before US soldiers, shackled, handcuffed, and wearing blacked-out
goggles over their eyes and masks over their mouths and noses. The
photograph shocked world opinion and led Secretary Rumsfeld to acknowledge
that it was "probably unfortunate" that the picture had been released, at
least without better captioning. He added: "My recollection is that there's
something in the Geneva Conventions about press people being around
prisoners; that - and not taking pictures and not saying who they are and
not exposing them to ridicule".(8)

The USA's selective approach to the Geneva Conventions has been widely
noted. For example, with US soldiers captured in Iraq and shown on Iraqi
television to the anger of US officials, a Saudi Arabian newspaper, claiming
to be receiving one million visitors a day on its website, wrote:
"Rumsfeld's newfound affection for the Geneva Convention is remarkable...
The US does not believe that the prisoners now being held at Guantánamo Bay
are prisoners of war under the Geneva Convention. Pictures of the men there,
shackled and living in cages, were distributed by the Bush administration to
the world's media."(9)

Meanwhile the US continues to hold the Guantánamo detainees in very harsh
conditions, most of them confined alone to tiny cells for 24 hours a day and
reportedly allowed to "exercise" in shackles for only 30 minutes a week -
conditions which Amnesty International believes in their totality amount to
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in violation of international
standards. The detainees remain in their legal black hole, unable to
challenge the lawfulness of their detention, and with no indication as to
how long they might be so held. There have been numerous suicide attempts.
Family members are subject to the emotional distress of not knowing how
their loved ones are being treated, why exactly they are being held, or when
or if they will see them again.

Serious allegations of human rights violations do not stop with the
Guantánamo detainees. US soldiers are reported to have mistreated people
detained during the military conflict in Afghanistan. Villagers taken into
custody in 2002 alleged that they were tied up, blindfolded, hooded, kicked,
punched, and subject to other ill-treatment. As far as Amnesty International
is aware, no appropriate investigation has been carried out into the
allegations by the US authorities.(10)

In a letter to President Bush on 10 March 2003, Amnesty International called
for a full, impartial inquiry into allegations of torture and ill-treatment
by US personnel against alleged al-Qa'ida and Taleban detainees held in the
US Air Base in Bagram, Afghanistan. Autopsies revealed that two prisoners
who died in the Bagram detention facility in December 2002 had sustained
"blunt force injuries". It has also been alleged that detainees have been
subjected to "stress and duress" techniques, including hooding, prolonged
standing in uncomfortable positions, sleep deprivation and 24 hour
illumination. The ICRC has reportedly not been granted access to the section
of the Bagram facility where this treatment has allegedly taken place.

The repeated assertions by members of the current US administration that
they remain committed to international human rights standards rings hollow
as US officials flout those very same standards. This may not be a new
phenomenon - Amnesty International has for many years been concerned with
the USA's pick and choose approach to international standards. But, as the
Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights said in March 2002, "the
protection of human rights is even more important now than ever" and gave
assurances that "the US Government is deeply committed to the promotion of
universal human rights".(11) His government's failure to live up to those
words since the attacks of 11 September 2001 has caused great damage to the
international image of the USA.

In a recent letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell resigning from the
Foreign Service of the United States, US diplomat John Brady Kiesling wrote:
"We are straining beyond its limits an international system we built with
such toil and treasure, a web of laws, treaties, organizations, and shared
values that sets limits on our foes far more effectively than it ever
constrained America's ability to defend its interests."(12)

The US Government must ensure that all those in its custody are afforded
their full rights under international human rights and humanitarian law and


(1) Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout following CNN Interview, 23 March 2003.
(2) President Bush Discusses Military Operation. White House. 23 March 2003.
(3) Secretary Rumsfeld Interview-Bob Schieffer and David Martin, CBS Face
The Nation, 23 March 2003.
(4) Iraq: Amnesty International calls for respect of all prisoners of war
(AI Index: MDE 41/037/2003, 24 March 2003.
(5) Eighteen or 19 Afghan nationals were released from the Guantánamo
facility on 21 March 2003 and sent back to Afghanistan.
(6) Memorandum to the US Government on the rights of people in US custody in
Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay (AI Index: AMR 51/053/2002, April 2002).
(7) Geneva Convention on prisoners of war, ICRC news release, 9 February
(8) Department of Defence News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace,
22 January 2002. Article 13 of the Geneva Convention relative to the
Treatment of Prisoners of War, states: "Prisoners of war must at all times
be treated humanely. Likewise prisoners of war must at all times be
protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against
insults and public curiosity".
(9) Editorial, Arab News, 24 March 2003,
(10) Memorandum to the US Government on the rights of people in US custody
in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay (AI Index: AMR 51/053/2002, April 2002),
pages 17-21.
(11) Lorne W. Craner, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labor. Release of the Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 2001. US State Department, Washington, DC, 4 March 2002.
(12) US diplomat's letter of resignation. New York Times, 27 February 2003.

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