>Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham and one of the nation's most >outspoken critics of Islam, said Wednesday he has relief workers "poised and >ready" to roll into Iraq to provide for the population's post-war physical and spiritual >needs. <

Here is another indication of why, no matter what the out come of the war against Iraq, the Anglo-American imperialist bourgeoisie is doomed by history.  Of course Mr. Franklin Graham is delivering the word of Jesus Christ, as he understands it and preaching why the free enterprise system, Anglo-American style, is the best way of life for humanity.

>"We realize we're in an Arab country and we just can't go out and preach," Graham said in a telephone interview from Samaritan's Purse headquarters in Boone, N.C. However, he added, "I believe as we work, God will always give us opportunities to tell others about his Son. We are there to reach out to love them and to save them, and as a Christian I do this in the name of Jesus Christ."<

Here is an important aspect of the American ideology that has not varied much for the past 300 years. Here is the ideological rationale for the genocide against the Native peoples, for capitalist slavery and an epoch of imperial plunder.

What changes is the form of the two primary aspect of American chauvinism. Chauvinism - not to be confused with the diffuse concept of hegemony, is an outlook or ideological rationale that does away with class outlook and class interest and substitutes the striving of the national capitalist or national sector of imperialist. The other primary aspect is White chauvinism, which in American history superceded the ideology of white supremacy of the old slave oligarchy.

Once the cutting edge of American national chauvinism, the violent white chauvinism has given way to a national chauvinism whose ideological expression is a form of patriotism that obliterates class outlook on the basis of a "national ideology" of "us" versus "them."  On the most recent newscast the words "true American" or "real Americans" has been used more often and it is always in connection with Anglo-American soldiers. These "true" or "real Americans" faced the "other" as enemy.

The philosophic "other" has to be fused with the ideology of the "outsider in our midst."  Who is the "outsider" and exactly what is he and she "outside of."  Invariably the "outsider" exists beyond the threshold or boundary and structures of "freedom."  This "freedom" in the last instance is always the relative privilege position of the oppressing people and its ruling class.

Mr. Graham seeks to make Christians of "them" - the philosophic "other," by imposing "his way of life" on the natives, after they are militarily defeated and the imperialists right to "preach" are protected by cruise missiles. 

Even the Pope seems radical compared with this extreme form of imperial American ideology. While Mr. Graham is civilizing "the natives" he will also help dollarize Iraqi society. Christian soldiers in the Holy lands are a serious problem and means dollarization of the economy and continuation of the two thousand year war.

Only the proletarian social revolution has no interest in imposing any ideology on the world's people. Our social revolution is a drop of blood, a drop of ink and a drop of common sense. "Liberating the Iraqi people" is taking on huge dimensions. Is Iran and China to also be "liberated?" Is our imperialist to liberate "North Korea" whose sharp ideological and practical stance is a counterweight to the imperialist ideology and aggression?

Everyone is trapped by history - proletarians and bourgeoisie. A sector of our imperialist are attempting to leap over a historical and ideological barrier and have been reformulating the "party line" and the "mass line" to their supporters. Graham is old school imperialist, which means old school Marxist, such as I, must hammer out a doctrine that is the counterweight to the modern imperialist.

Melvin P.

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