Do you uphold the party line?

"When the party line changed, you changed and are you an agent of the Soviet Union? Are you a communist bent on destroying American democracy?"

These were questions from the 1950's and early 1960's that many in America faced who believe in fair play. The "party line" and the "mass line" in today's world speak of the propaganda campaign of the imperial bourgeoisie and the opposing line of the workers.

"Eliminating weapons of mass destruction," "Liberating the people of Iraq from a terrorist regime," " War against terrorism," "Fighting for Freedom" is the mass line of the Anglo-American imperial bourgeoisie and its leading sector.  "The oil and natural resources of Iraq belong to the people of Iraq," is part of the mass line of the imperial bourgeoisie.

The mass line is a strategic line of approach to the current daily social struggle. By definition the mass line has to embrace the manner in which people think things out, what they are experiencing and what they see or perceive. Do the people of Iraq need to be liberated from tyranny and oppression at the hands of their own bourgeoisie?

Look! I oppose USNA military aggression on any basis except what I think and believe. This is of course the reason why one needs a party line and a mass line. Politics cannot come down to what the individual believes or feels.

Imperial capital at this phase of decay has no need to own the oil wells. At the previous stage of industrial development there was no need on the part of our imperialist - American financial industrial capital, to own oil wells and posses direct colonies - generally speaking, if you owned the technology, transportation system, distribution networks and institutions of wealth conversion. The institutions of wealth conversion mean the same thing as "mode of accumulation."

Our current stage in the development of the material power of the productive forces determines the strategy and strategic mass line of the imperialist.

The proletarian party has a strategic party line and a mass line. The problem is that the mass line of the proletarian party has arisen before an organization of revolutionaries on a world scale. That is the mass line has arisen before the formation of a proletarian party.

The spontaneous mass line of the people is "No to War," "No to War for Oil," "Blair is kissing Bush Jr. Ass," "No to imperialism" and a minor section say, "No to Hegemony."  

Strange days indeed. The mass line has arisen before the party line of the various sectors of the proletarian party and revolution.

The world party line?

"Workers of the World Unite against foreign and domestic capital." "Put the robot to work for humanity." "Public property relations in the socially necessary means of production."  "End all wars of aggression."

Strange days indeed.

Melvin P.

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