Paul Findley is a reliable source. You could try to get the FBI summary under FOIA, or see if it is already in the National Security Archive (a library of such material run by the good guys in DC). jks

Michael Pollak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Devine, James wrote:

> I read somewhere that Perle was an advisor to the late Senator from
> Boeing, Henry "Scoop" Jackson. There were a lot of the Cold War
> liberal/right-wing social democrat/Zionist contingent in Jackson's
> coterie. Was Perle one of them?

He was, along with Wolfowitz and Feith. And this is good opportunity for
me to ask about something I found while surfing a few months ago.
Supposedly Perle was disciplined during that period for pulling a kind of
Jonathan Pollard light. Does anyone know about this? It's usually posted
in too-close proximity to anti-semitic stuff for me to trust it without
solid confirmation from a mainstream news source, and I haven't found any
yet. Any suggestions one way or the other would appreciated.

Below is a fair sample of what I've found. In itself it sounds ! perfectly
plausible. His business ethics certainly haven't changed. But I dunno
who Findley is, that book title sounds kind of creepy, and I don't want to
pass anything on that's tainted.


When Perle was working for Senator Scoop Jackson, he was investigated
by the Justice Department and found to have violated US policies
relating to unlawful transmission of sensitive classified US
information to Israel.

See Paul Findley "They Dare To Speak Out" Chicago, Ill, Lawrence Hill
Books 1989 Chapter 5, Penetrating the Defense at Defense--and State
Page 139-164:

An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified
information with someone at the Israeli embassy. He came under fire in
1983 when newspapers reported he received substantial payments to
represent the interests of an Israeli weapons company. Perle denied
conflict of inte! rest, insisting that, although he received payment for
these services after he had assumed his position in the Defense
Department, he was between government jobs when he worked for the
Israeli firm. Because of these controversies both Perle and Bryan were
given assignments in the Reagan administration which it was expected
would keep him isolated from issues relating to Israel."

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