----- Original Message -----
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> the WSJ writes: >Few Americans see a rich person when they look in the
> mirror, but nearly
> a third see a rich person when they look into a crystal ball. That's the
> striking result of a Gallup poll that goes a long way to explaining why
> class war fails as an American political strategy.<
> The Bushwackers seem to practice that strategy very well and very
> successfully. Part of the failure of pro-worker "class warfare" is that
> media -- including the WSJ -- narrowly define class warfare only in
terms of
> the defensive side.


The left claims the right's attempt to forbid the vocabulary-ideology of
class warfare is itself an act of class warfare. The right claims that the
use of the vocabulary-ideology of class warfare constitutes the opening of
a class war that would not exist if it weren't for the left's insistence
on using the vocabulary-ideology that demands that class warfare exists
whether we talk-write that way or not. So who's pulling the nominalist
card out of the hat?


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