k hanly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im not clear how this decision process works. The article speaks of the
Pentagon vetoing a State Dept. list. Are there formal rules or is it a
backroom brawl without even regulation gloves? Didn't Blair get to enforce
Marquis of Queensbury Rules?

Cheers, Ken Hanly


Turf war rages in Washington over who will rule Iraq
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
05 April 2003

* * *
It's a brawl. If there are rules, they're being ignored. Look, in the Mousasuoi trial, the govt says that if the defense makes the judge make the prosecution abide the rules (public trial, disclosure of potentially exculpaory evidence), they'll cancel the fed ct trial and have the defendant framed, er, tried in a kangaroo military tribunal where they don't need to use those rules. Can they do that? See if you can stop them.


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