[yet another iteration on the socialization of risks/costs and the
corporatization of gains............]

June 9, 2003
The Man Pushing America to Get on the Internet Faster

SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 3 - The United States, where the Internet was
invented, now falls behind Japan, Korea and Canada in deploying high-speed
Internet access in homes and businesses. But advocates for quicker
transfer of e-mail, Web site content and music files, take note: Peter K.
Pitsch is on the case.

Mr. Pitsch is a self-described staunch free-market Republican who once
served as chief of staff for the chairman of the Federal Communications
Commission. Today, he is the top lobbyist for the Intel Corporation and a
coalition of the technology companies in their efforts to press the
government for a national policy as crucial to general economic growth -
one that would accelerate the spread of broadband, or high-speed, Internet

Of course, the technology industry has a particular interest in this
issue, aside from wanting to see increased American productivity.

It sees much of its future growth connected to the deployment of
high-speed access, and the entertainment, music and software that will be
able to reach consumers on upgraded networks.

The topic of a national broadband policy will be central to discussions
held at the annual conference and trade show of the National Cable and
Telecommunications Association in Chicago, which ends June 11, with
participants including executives like Bill Gates of Microsoft, Richard D.
Parsons of AOL Time Warner and Mel Karmazin of Viacom.

The industry coalition had a recent success in persuading the F.C.C. to
modify its rules so that telecommunications companies will not be forced
to lease their high-speed access lines to competitors. But it continues to
face a difficult battle to get Congress to grant tax credits to companies
building next-generation Internet access networks.

For telecommunications companies, making the investment in broadband
access is not without risk. The costs for building high-speed networks are
enormous, whether through wires on the ground or through wireless
networks. Moreover, the companies must market the concept to consumers who
are already paying monthly fees for home telephone, cellphone and cable
television service and may not want to pay yet more for high-speed access.
To mitigate the risk, the industry has turned to the government for help,
and Mr. Pitsch has led the charge.

"He is the godfather of telecom policy among technology companies in
Washington," said Bruce P. Mehlman, the assistant secretary for technology
policy in the Commerce Department, and a former lobbyist for Cisco Systems

People who know Mr. Pitsch say he is point man in the lobbying push
because of his Washington background, personality and energy. But his
ability to lead can also be credited to Intel's neutral role in this
competitive field. Whereas cable, telephone and wireless companies are
competing against one another to deploy high-speed access, Intel has no
stake in which particular technologies will thrive. Thus it appears to
have more credibility with federal regulators.

But that does not mean broadband growth is less important to Intel's
future. For Intel, more high-speed access means more consumer demand for
fast computers and that means greater demand for the microprocessors that
Intel makes.

"One of the fundamental drivers for faster and faster microprocessors will
be high-quality, affordable broadband," Mr. Pitsch said during a recent
interview at Intel's headquarters in Santa Clara.

The bottom line, he said, is that Intel thinks high-speed Internet users
will make up its future customer base. "The effect on us is indirect. But
its huge," he said.

Today, about one-third of American households with Internet access have
high-speed service - an increase of 50 percent over a year ago, according
to a report issued last month by the Pew Internet and American Life
Project, a nonprofit research group. But the report also found that the
rate of adoption of broadband was unlikely to remain as high as it has
been because many people are content with the slower telephone dial-up
connections to the Internet.

Whether the current rate of adoption is fast enough depends on whom you

The F.C.C., which is charged by Congress with reporting periodically on
the status of technology adoption, concluded in its most recent report, in
February 2002, that high-speed Internet adoption was on pace. "Over all,
we find that advanced telecommunications is being deployed to all
Americans in a reasonable and timely manner," the report said, adding that
subscriber levels had increased "significantly."

As of the end of 2002, the cable industry had invested some $70 billion in
upgrading its networks to provide advanced digital service, including
high-speed Internet access. And it is expected to invest an additional $10
billion this year, said Robert Sachs, the chief executive of the National
Cable and Telecommunications Association, an industry trade group.

The technology industry is not alone in pushing for faster broadband
adoption. Charles H. Ferguson, a Brookings Institution scholar, is working
on a book about what he calls the United States broadband problem. He said
that he thought American industry's slowness in deploying broadband access
would hamper productivity and even national security.

"The broadband story is a general disaster," Mr. Ferguson said. Broadband
access to homes is still too limited, he added, "but the business
broadband picture is just as important, and even more disastrous."

Mr. Pitsch hopes to correct that situation. As chief of staff from 1987 to
1989 to Dennis R. Patrick, the chairman of the F.C.C., he provided counsel
on a host of regulatory issues and was frequently a target of lobbyists

Though he is now Intel's director of communications policy, Mr. Pitsch,
51, is still very much a Washington denizen. He lives in Great Falls in
Northern Virginia with his wife, and in sartorial matters and demeanor, he
is all inside the Beltway, down to his polished loafers and leather
suspenders. Even on a recent trip to Intel headquarters, he did not give
in to Silicon Valley's casual style. "My compromise was that I took off
the tie," he joked.

When Mr. Pitsch started working for Intel in 1998, the company already had
deemed high-speed Internet access to be pivotal to its growth.

In February 2002, Intel helped form the High Tech Broadband Coalition, an
alliance of six technology and telecommunications industry trade groups
whose dozens of members were already lobbying on their own. Grant
Seiffert, vice president for external affairs and global policy at the
Telecommunications Industry Association, a trade group that includes Intel
and is part of the High Tech Broadband Coalition, said Mr. Pitsch and
Intel pushed for the coalition and played a leadership role.

"He's high energy and he doesn't waste a lot of time," Mr. Seiffert said.
He added that Mr. Pitsch's drive may at times be off-putting. "Sometimes
he's a little aggressive for some people, but you have to respect what he

The coalition scored what is widely considered a major victory in February
when the F.C.C. decided that telecommunications companies that build
high-speed access lines are not obliged to lease those lines to
competitors. The broadband coalition had argued for such a position,
asserting it would spur investment.

Indeed, when the F.C.C. announced its decision, Commissioner Kevin J.
Martin of the F.C.C. stated, "We endorse and adopt in total the High Tech
Broadband Coalitions for the deregulation of fiber to the home and any
fiber used with the new packet technology."

F.C.C. officials say Mr. Pitsch's lobbying is effective because he knows
the technical issues very well, and because Intel's position is neutral as
to which telecommunications companies or technologies win out. The
coalition is also pushing the F.C.C. on issues like freeing up more radio
frequencies for use in wireless Internet access.

But the coalition has been less successful in gaining passage of
legislation in Congress. Bills have been introduced in the House and
Senate that would provide tax relief for companies creating the broadband
infrastructure. The House measure, for example, would create a 10 percent
tax credit for building high-speed access in low-income and rural areas.

Other versions of the legislation would offer 20 percent tax relief to
companies that build advanced networks that are even faster than the
current broadband networks.

Even by Mr. Pitsch's assessment, the bills have a tough road ahead since
many industries are seeking tax relief, and President Bush has already
earmarked much of his tax cuts for other interests.

While Mr. Pitsch lobbies lawmakers, some have questioned whether his
free-market philosophy is consistent with giving tax relief to huge

He says tax relief will spur investment and lead to higher productivity
and job growth. But even his friends on Capitol Hill say it is a tricky
line to walk.

"A rural tax credit would not be consistent with a true free-market
ideology unless you determine there has been a market failure in those
areas," said Mr. Mehlman, from the Commerce Department.

But Mr. Mehlman said it was too soon to say whether there was a market

In any case, broadband is rolling out as fast, or faster, than any
technology has ever been rolled out, he said. And Peter Pitsch plans to
keep it rolling along.

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