I think so, but not certain.  Of course the standing
argument has been that the really dirty stuff was done
by his partner's wife.  He was just an innocent bystander,
Barkley Rosser
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] economics articles

> Are his legal problems over?
> On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 11:41:46AM -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
> > Barkley Rosser wrote:
> >
> > >     Now that Andrei Shleifer has taken over the Journal of
> > >Economic Literature, we can expect more of the same.
> > >I know the US economics profession has absolved him
> > >of all sin, and his old roomie Brad DeLong swears up and
> > >down that he is a great guy, etc., but I have yet to meet a
> > >Russian who thinks that he is anything other than a crook
> > >who got away with it.
> >
> > same with Sachs, though now he's rehab'd his image by travelling with
> >
> > Doug
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 530-898-5321

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