"Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JKS suggests that Marx's sociology should be separated from his economics. I disagree.

* **

I did not. I just said that Marx presented, in WPP amomng other places, a prety pure economic model without a lot of sociological stage setting, so he must have thought that was, for some purposes, a useful thing to do. My main point, about which I don't think Jim really disagrees, is that even if you are a historical materialist, you can address, for particular purposes or topics, some of the concern histomats have without having to bring in all of them. Jim does this all the time in his own work.

My 10 yr old son asked me yesterday, What kind of scientist was Karl Marx? We had been talking about Galileo, Newton, etc. And German idealism ("They sort of believe the world is like the Matrix, right, Dad?") (He made me insert the word "like" into that sentence just now.) I toild him the question about Marx was a good hard question, and after some reflection the best approximate answer was that he was a social scientist whose interests ranged across all the disciplines in social science as wel call them today, and some. We have a strange household.


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