Now that we are at kids' stories, we were driving from San
Francisco to Berkeley one evening. The traffic was too slow and
we were bored, so we staretd playing some verbal games and
somehow my then six year old son started to ask questions about
the Bush family.

Berkeley is an interesting place as you know: two of the female
teachers of my son had wives, the schoolmaster was gay man
"married" to another man and several of his teachers vote Green.
So he is exposed to all that "bad" stuff as you can imagine.

And apparently they talk about politics at school too and
apparently environment is one of the major issues that they

As we were driving back home in that heavy traffic, at some point
he asked me whether Bush cared about the environment. I said, I
don't think so. He then asked me whether his father did. I again
said, I don't think so.  He then asked me whether his mother did.
I again said, I don't think so.

He then said:

One nasty family.


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