
> What demonstrators have been demonstrating against
> is the steady push, utilizing the WTO as a vehicle,
> for the market access interests of those who profit
> from exports in every country against all the other
> social/economic/environmental interests that conflict
> with them.  By its very nature, the WTO is a club to
> be used against democracy.

Exactly! This is why this third-worlder, as a matter of reflex,
instantly objected to Monbiot immediately after reading his
article. When it becomes that the banana producers of Anamur on
the Mediterranean cost of Turkey, if there are any left of
course, also have a say in the affairs of such a trade
organization, I  don't care whether it is called the WTO or the
FTO. For now, however, it is one of my enemies among many. Not
necessarily the worst but an enemy nevertheles.



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