Excerpted from article:

Consumer side:

   "What I think they're going to do is start suing moms and
   dads and families across America. They could lose their
   house or lose their ability to send their kids to college.
   That is not the intent of copyright statutes, to bankrupt
   a middle-class family."

Industry side:

   "We won't win any popularity contests. We don't really care
   what people think, except we want them to know that it
   (file-sharing) is illegal. It's unpopular, it's not pretty,
   but it's the right thing to do for all the people involved
   in the music industry."

--- cut here ---

Advice to avoid copyright litigation
Experts sharing tips to help defend against file-sharing lawsuits

Benny Evangelista
San Francisco Chronicle
July 28, 2003

As the recording industry tries in unprecedented fashion to enforce
copyright laws against individual consumers, legal experts say people
can take several steps to try to avoid costly litigation.

For starters, legal experts advise file-sharers to stop sharing any
unauthorized files. That action could, though not necessarily, eliminate
the need for more costly legal steps if a file-sharer learns he or she
has been caught in the Recording Industry Association of America's
copyright infringement dragnet.

It's possible the courts could one day rule file-sharing is legal or a
consumer backlash could force Congress to change current copyright laws.
Before that happens, however, the legal costs for an individual battling
the powerful RIAA could be devastating.

"What I think they're going to do is start suing moms and dads and
families across America," said San Rafael attorney Ira Rothken. "They
could lose their house or lose their ability to send their kids to
college. That is not the intent of copyright statutes, to bankrupt a
middle-class family."

The RIAA, the Washington trade group that represents the world's biggest
record labels, has filed more than 900 subpoenas since June 26 to gather
information to file civil lawsuits against hundreds of users of
file-sharing programs.

Legal experts say this is the first time copyright law has been used to
crack down on average consumers. Previously, copyright battles have
typically pitted companies against other businesses, or against people
who have intentionally tried to make money pirating copyright-protected

Millions of people around the world use programs like Kazaa, Grokster,
Limewire or eDonkey to swap free copies of entertainment files via the
Internet, including songs and movies.

Surveys have estimated about 60 million Americans have downloaded music
into their computers. Proponents of file-sharing defend the practice,
arguing a greedy music industry is ignoring its own customers and not
taking advantage of a lucrative new revenue source.

But the $14 billion U.S. recording industry labels file-sharing as theft
and blames the practice for a 14 percent drop in CD sales in the past
three years.

File-sharing programs enable the transfer of audio or video files
between users' computers. Each file sharer is supposed to offer a list
of shared files available for upload. Those lists become part of a huge
database for other file-share users to search and pick which file they
want to download.

The RIAA, unable to find an effective way to stop people from
downloading or to shut down the companies that distribute file-sharing
software, is now threatening legal action to halt the spread of files
offered for uploading.

On June 25, the RIAA announced plans to sue individual consumers who
were offering a substantial number of copyright-protected songs. The
RIAA said it would start filing the suits in eight to 10 weeks, sometime
toward the end of August or early September when schools reopen after
summer vacation.

The suits would seek civil penalties ranging from $750 to $150,000 per

The RIAA will not say what it considers substantial, but legal experts
say the larger the number of files, the more likely the file-sharer will
be sued.

Proponents of file-sharing argue that the act of making a song available
for someone else to download for free is legal under fair use provisions
of copyright law because it's like sharing a CD with a family member or
friend so they can enjoy listening to a new song.

But copyright law expert Evan Cox, a partner at Covington & Burling in
San Francisco, said the law gives copyright owners like the record
labels the exclusive right to distribute their work, which makes it
illegal to offer a song for distribution on a file-sharing network
without authorization.

"So the first thing you should do if you want to be off (the RIAA's)
radar is to stop uploading," said Fred von Lohmann, senior intellectual
property attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The San Francisco digital-rights advocacy group's Web site,,
includes a new page that offers tips on how not to get sued by the RIAA
for file sharing. Among those tips are ways to stop sharing potentially
infringing files or to disable file sharing.

Whether that defensive strategy is successful remains to be seen. The
RIAA started gathering file-sharing evidence on June 26. Documents filed
with the U. S. District Court in Washington show the RIAA is using
snapshots of an individual's shared file folder as evidence to use in

Even if the file-sharer has since removed or deleted those files, "that
snapshot establishes enough evidence to establish infringement," Cox

But Rothken, the San Rafael attorney, believes having shared files may
not automatically be an infringement. "If you are somebody who
accidentally shares a subdirectory on a private hard drive and someone
wants to call that an offering because it appears on some file-sharing
network by accident, the answer would be no," he said.

RIAA spokeswoman Amy Weiss said her group might be "willing to talk
settlement" if a file-sharer has erased the evidence, but that would be
considered on a case-by-case basis.

The RIAA is applying a unique provision of the 1998 Digital Millennium
Copyright Act that gives copyright owners the power to issue a subpoena
requiring Internet service providers to disclose the names of suspected
copyright infringers.

The RIAA needs only a court clerk's authorization to serve the
subpoenas, which privacy advocates say bypasses many of the usual
hurdles to obtaining a court order like requiring a judge's review of
any evidence to support such an action.

If a person learns the RIAA has subpoenaed the ISP to learn their
identity, they should seek legal advice to protect their rights, said
Glenn Peterson, a partner in the law firm McDonough Holland & Allen PC
of Sacramento.

The firm is one of several legal firms listed on a Web site -- -- that has been set up as a resource for people
served by RIAA subpoenas.

The subpoenas themselves raise other new legal issues, such as whether
they interfere with federal laws designed to protect the identities of
minors on the Internet, Peterson said.

Internet service providers are also struggling with how to deal with the
subpoenas. "This is something that we're evaluating," said Larry Meyer,
a spokesman for SBC Communications, which has received at least 50 RIAA

The issue isn't completely novel. Numerous companies have gone to court
over the past five years to force Internet service providers to finger
anonymous Internet users for a variety of reasons.

In most of the cases, companies said they needed the information to
unmask users who libeled the companies on stock message boards, hurting
their stock price.

In a different twist, Raytheon, the defense contractor, filed suit
against two dozen anonymous employees in 1999, accusing them of posting
confidential information on a Yahoo message board. After Raythoen
tracked down the users -- with the court's help -- four employees
eventually quit or were fired. It then dropped the suit.

Critics say judges normally rubber-stamp such subpoenas, regardless of
how thin the evidence.

But two years ago, Contra Costa County Superior Court Commissioner
Judith Sanders ruled that Ampex Corp. of Redwood City first had to
demonstrate that its executives were libeled before it would even
consider ordering Internet service providers to identify a poster.

And in the wake of such suits, many Internet service providers
(including SBC Communications) agreed to first notify users when they
received a subpoena, giving them a week or so to hire an attorney to try
to quash the order.

Verizon Communications, which has been fighting to overturn the law,
said it has told users they have seven days to hire an attorney and
decide whether to challenge the subpoena.

If Verizon doesn't hear from the users within seven days, the company
said, it will turn over the user's personal information to the recording

But if an attorney contacts Verizon by the seven-day deadline, Maureen
Flanagan said, "we don't turn over the names to the RIAA."

Verizon said it has no choice in the matter. In June, an appellate court
in the District of Columbia overturned its request to put the subpoenas
on hold pending its challenge of the law.

"We remain concerned about the potential for abuse of this subpoena
process and we remain concerned about our customers' privacy, security
and due process rights," said Verizon spokesman Jon Davies.

Music industry critics say the RIAA's latest tactic will ignite a
consumer revolt.

RIAA spokeswoman Weiss said that while her group expects a consumer
backlash, it will press ahead because the record industry believes it
has no other choice.

"We won't win any popularity contests. We don't really care what people
think, except we want them to know that it (file-sharing) is illegal,"
Weiss said. "It's unpopular, it's not pretty, but it's the right thing
to do for all the people involved in the music industry."

Chronicle staff writer Todd Wallack contributed to this report. / E-mail
Benny Evangelista at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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