Michael Yates was interviewed today on our program
Living Room -- the archived audio can be found at
www.livingroomradio.org -- on why Marxism has greater
explanatory power than neoclassical economics (see
below).  And although he was on NPR's Talk of the
Nation last week, we had booked him long before that!

Other currently archived shows that might interest
people are programs on the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union's organization of agricultural labor
in Hawaii; Israeli scholar Baruch Kimmerling on Israel
and Ariel Sharon; Bertolt Brecht; Marx and Freud; the
Jewish and Palestinian editors of Between the Lines on
what's wrong with the Left in Israel and Palestine;
Robin DG Kelley on his book Freedom Dreams; myths
about the decline of the family; limiting the work
week; and much more.

Wed 8.13.03| Orthodox Economics vs. Marxism

Neoliberal prescriptions applied around the globe have
left many progressives skeptical of orthodox economic
theory. And yet what alternative theories exist? Labor
economist Michael Yates argues that Marxism provides
us with a means of understanding our world, with all
its poverty and inequality, in a way that isn't
abstracted from reality

Sasha Lilley
Producer, KPFA's Living Room
510/848-6767 x209

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