> Geez, Jim...
> This should be some kind of Lefty U. screening test.
> Ken.

The Frankfurters produced the F-test (F for fascism) that tested for the presence of 
the authoritarian personality. (It seems to be an intellectual precursor of the study 
that the GUARDIAN reports on.) So only those people who scored _low_ on this test 
would be given the leftist membership card, secret handshake, decoder ring, etc. 

Hmm... how would Lenin score? Abbie Hoffman? 

(An ex-girlfriend of mine once did research giving the F-test to various cults. The 
Moonie leadership wouldn't participate, but the Hare Krishnas did, scoring very high. 
Maybe she dumped me because of _my_ score?) 

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine


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