A trap set for protesters  Michael Hardt
Friday February 21, 2003
The Guardian

full: http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,899852,00.html

HARDT: Corresponding in part to the new US anti-Europeanism, there is
today in Europe and across the world a growing anti-Americanism. In
particular, the coordinated protests last weekend against the war were
animated by various kinds of anti-Americanism - and that is inevitable.
The US government has left no doubt that it is the author of this war
and so protest against the war must, inevitably, be also protest against
the United States.

REPLY: What is the evidence of this anti-Americanism? Carrying around a
picture of George W. Bush with bloody fangs or something? Indeed, this
business of "anti-Americanism" is mainly a preoccupation of the
red-baiting left or the reactionary bourgeois press as exemplified by
this quote from the Murdoch press last Sunday:

"Some on the old left see the problem. The issue is not Blair or spin,
it's not even Bush, it's tyranny. Veterans like Arnold Wesker and Salman
Rushdie and, most trenchantly, Julie Burchill - I'll come back to her -
are pro-war. The Wesker-Rushdie line is that Saddam's reign has been so
terrible for the people of Iraq that common humanity alone justifies
war. Wesker has for a long time advocated the setting up of an
International Benign Force - an army that would be sent in to sort out
the bad guys. But, failing that, reflex anti-Americanism - or, indeed,
anti-Blairism - shouldn't trap anybody into pig-headed pacifism when a
brief act of belligerence can free the people."

If this is the sort of thing that Hardt is alluding to, he's wasting our
time per usual.

HARDT: The globalisation protest movements were far superior to the
anti-war movements in this regard. They not only recognised the complex
and plural nature of the forces that dominate capitalist globalisation
today - the dominant nation states, certainly, but also the
International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the major
corporations, and so forth - but they imagined an alternative,
democratic globalisation consisting of plural exchanges across national
and regional borders based on equality and freedom.

REPLY: But the one thing they did not recognize was that imperialism was
the nature of the beast, rather than unregulated capital flows which
would be restrained by a Tobin Tax or some other such nonsense. What
irks the good professor is that the Starbucks window-breakers have been
marginalized in the current phase of the struggle and that
brontosaurus-Marxists like the WWP, the British SWP et al are taking the

HARDT: One of the great achievements of the globalisation protest
movements, in other words, has been to put an end to thinking of
politics as a contest among nations or blocs of nations.
Internationalism has been reinvented as a politics of global network
connections with a global vision of possible futures. In this context,
anti-Europeanism and anti-Americanism no longer make sense.

REPLY: "…global network connections with a global vision of possible
futures?" Sounds like a Verizon commercial.

HARDT: It is unfortunate but inevitable that much of the energies that
had been active in the globalisation protests have now at least
temporarily been redirected against the war. We need to oppose this war,
but we must also look beyond it and avoid being drawn into the trap of
its narrow political logic. While opposing the war we must maintain the
expansive political vision and open horizons that the globalisation
movements have achieved. We can leave to Bush, Chirac, Blair, and
Schröder the tired game of anti-Europeanism and anti-Americanism.

REPLY: It is unfortunate but inevitable that much of the energies that
had been active in the globalisation protests have now at least
temporarily been redirected against the war? Get used to it professor,
we are living in an epoch of wars, civil wars and revolution. Time to
put the Spinoza back on the shelf and reread Lenin--and for some first
people, including Hardt based on the evidence, to read him for the first


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