Justin writes:

>> On a long car trip today, I discussed politics with my
>> almost-14 year old daughter, and the Clintons came up
>> as a topic. She said she'd vore for Hilary cause she's
>> smart. I said I didn't like them because they knew
>> what was right and did the wrong thing. Like what, she
>> said. I said, like full employment, national health,
>> no striker replacement. Oh, she said, you mean
>> _communism._ Like Ralph Nader.
>> So that is how things look to a smart 13 year old. Old
>> style liberalism is communism. Clintonism is the far
>> limit of the possible. Are we fucked, or what? And not
>> in the nice way.

Your daughter is correct.  If you read the 10 policy measures set forth in the 
Communist Manifesto to a modern liberal, the liberal would think you are reading from 
the Democratic Party platform.  You should declare victory and go celebrate.

David Shemano

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