I wrote:

The United States accounts for more than half the total value of arms
transfer agreements with the Near East during the 1993-2000 period,
somewhere around US$55.

That should be:

US$55 billion (this is a guesstimate indicating the order of magnitude, not
a precise figure, but somewhere around 50 billion dollars anyway).

I wrote:

 7.2 preschool kids could attend headstart programmes, That should be:

That should be:

7.2 million preschool kids.

Actually those figures are different now.  We are getting much closer to
that magic US$72 billion cost figure to the Untyed States for the war. I
believe this figure is understated anyhow, because it covers only military
costs and not a number of associated government costs. I haven't even talked
about British costs and the costs of other governments involved in the war.
About that I will try to write some other time.


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